Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Okay, so yeah. I hope you guys aren’t mad at me for making you guys But yeah, none of you guys do and that’s kind of annoying. No offense. But whatever, you guys are still awesome for reading! Anyways this chapter is mostly going to be about their date, so yep. I didn't proofread so it might sound really weird at some points. Sorry!



“Yes?” I asked a little stupidly. “Aren’t you?”

“I’m really trying not to,” he admitted. “Does it look like I am?”

I nodded a little. My eyes had gotten a little wet and I wiped away a tear. I bit my lip. What the hell? There was no way that I could start crying in front of Jason.

He got up right away, taking big consideration of the stupid salt water that accidentally escaped my eyes. Jason raised a hand to my cheek and brushed away the tear with his thumb. My heart was beating so fast and loudly in my chest that I swear he must have heard it. My cheeks flushed red and I kept my eyes off his. “Don’t cry,” he said in a soothing tone.

I raised my eyebrows at him, all tears gone. “What?”

“I said, ‘Don’t cry.’”

“I know,” I said quickly. “But I mean, what happened to the person who was making fun of me just a few hours ago? Where the hell is he?”

“Taking the night off.” A twinkle glinted in Jason’s eyes and I knew he was back.

I sighed out of relief. It had started to get a little weird. I bit my lip. This was getting really awkward and I felt like laughing, but then he would just think I was crazy and ditch me.

“So,” he finally said, breaking the empty silence. “Where do you want to go on our date?”

“I thought you would’ve figured that out already.” His hand was still on my cheek and I was holding my breath.

He shrugged. “I’m telling you, I really didn’t plan this.” He finally took his hand away and I took a sigh of relief, taking in a gulp of air while trying not to make it obvious.

“I believe you, but normally,” I said, leaning against the door. “Guys already have an idea as to where they want to go for their date.”

He wrinkled his nose. “They do?”

I nodded. “Yep.”

“Oh, well. Did you just want to order some chinese and stay here and watch a movie? We have Netflix,” he said. God, he really didn’t plan this. Staying home and watching a movie seemed so couple-y.

I nodded anyways. “Sure. Will your parents mind?”

He laughed. “No. They’re in Berlin for some kind of convention.”

“Berlin, Germany?”

Jason nodded. “Where else?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. So, they just left you here home alone?”

“Well, no. I have people here all the time.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. He laughed and sat back down on his bed, signaling me to come too. I walked there reluctantly. Jason smiled at me encouragingly. When I was closer to him, he grabbed my by the waist and spun me so I was behind him, but he still kept his eyes on me. He then proceeded to push my onto his bed.

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