Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

“Jesus Christ, Emily,” Hayley said, sighing. “You have to save some guys for all the other girls.”

I laughed. “And by other girls you mean yourself?”

“Yep.” She giggled and nodded.

I rolled my eyes at her. “Maybe you should try one of those online dating stuff.”

“Pfft, yeah, okay maybe when I’m thirty.” She adjusted herself on her bed. “Okay, now I want details! Come on!”

I half-smiled. “Well, I don’t know there wasn’t much to tell. He just took me to the cemetery.”

“You’re leaving all the good juicy stuff out! Emily!”

“Okay, okay! So, to be perfectly honest, Hunter was really sweet. He set out a picnic and everything and it was really fun. Oh yeah,” I said, pausing for dramatics. “And we were running away from the proprietor when I pushed him into a pond.”

Hayley laughed. “Oh my god, seriously?”

I nodded. “And then we had like a mini war in the water.”

“Oh, so like those cliches? Where the girl pushes the guy in and he gets revenge?”

“I guess,” I said, shrugging. “But, yeah, it was still pretty fun. I had a good time.”

Hayley was quiet for a bit. Then she looked at me with her hazel eyes. “You kind of sound like you’re liking Hunter more, Emily.”

“What?” I asked flabbergasted. “There’s no way! One good date doesn’t mean anything!”

Hayley eyed me. “I’m not so sure about that.”

“Pfft, yeah, okay, so what do you think I should do then? If you were in my position, what would you do?” I asked, raising my eyebrow.

“Well, I would probably go with Hunter. No offense or anything, but he is hotter.”

“But that’s because you like brunettes,” I whined.

She giggled. “Well, you don’t even like blondes.”

I rolled my eyes. “I can if I want to.” I laughed and sighed. “Whatever, let’s just watch a movie.” She picked out a movie and popped it in. As the beginning scene came on, my phone buzzed in my pocket.

I took it out and checked to see who it was from. It was Hunter. Yesterday, we programmed our numbers into each other’s phones.

R u up for another date? -H

I held the phone as I thought. Hailey peeked at the text and giggled. “Looks like lover boy wants another go.”

I stuck out my tongue at her. This time, I hid my phone as I replied.

Where? -E

Great! I don’t hear a no! Be ready by 7 -H

Ready for what? -E

The party of your life :D -H


“Okay, so we have about two hours to shop,” Hayley said, jumping into the driver’s seat of her old Honda.

“I’m pretty sure Hunter invited me, not you,” I said, smirking at her.

She laughed whole-heartedly. “Oh, please, if I don’t go you’re probably gonna be getting wasted.”

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