Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Alright, here’s the second chapter. Someone’s been pestering me to put it up so… yeah, here it is. It might not be that good. I didn’t proofread it so…whoops!



When the last bell rang, I sighed. I was in my last class, Orchestra, and we had had a long practice. I was packing away my violin, doing it extra slow on purpose so I would have an excuse for not going. Mrs. Clark, my orchestra director, eyed me and said, “Ms. Baker, don’t you have somewhere to be?”

I bit my lip. Did she know I had a detention? Mrs. Clark was one of my favorite teachers at my high school; I didn’t want her to think I was a delinquent of some sort. “Umm, can you give me a pass?”

She sighed. “To where?”

“Mr. Burns’ room.” I flipped the latches on my violin case and picked it up. I quickly went to the locker room for our instruments. Putting in my combination, I pushed my violin in and locked it up again.

When I got back out, Mrs. Clark was holding a piece of paper in her hand. I took it with a murmur of thanks and headed off to biology. I walked slower than usual, hoping that miraculously, time would speed up.

Jason was rounding the corner as I was too so he smiled at me as he came. “Hey, Emily.”

I arched my eyebrow at him. Now he was being nice? Or at least closer to it? “Hi,” I said slowly.

He laughed, a sound that was a bit sweet and cute. When we reached Mr. Burns’ room, he held the door open for me.

Okay. There had to be some motive for him. I knew he would never be this nice just because. What was he trying to get at?

Shrugging, I just stepped in, not bothering to say thanks or anything. Mr. Burns was sitting at his desk, grading some tests from what I could see. “Good. You guys finally made it,” he said without looking up from his work.

I placed the piece of paper on his desk. “I have a pass.”

“And I was with her,” Jason piped up. I glared at him. So he was going to use me as a pass? Okay, fine. Whatever.

Mr. Burns narrowed his eyes at Jason, then turned to me. “Was he, Ms. Baker?”

I nodded. What was the point of getting him in trouble anyways?

Mr. Burns seemed confused for a moment, but he just shook his head. “Alright, so I want you guys to help me wash up some beakers in my supply room. Then come back here when you’re done.” He pointed to a door in the back of the room.

Sighing, I began to make my way there. I opened the door and stepped in. The supply room was a messy room that was so small, Jason and I barely fit. There were a bunch of beakers with strange liquid in them sitting by a sink. I trudged through some boxes to get there.

Jason leaned against the boxes, watching me carefully. I turned to him. “Are you planning on helping?”

“Hmm,” he mused. “I’m not sure. Cleaning’s not really my thing.”

He was kidding, right? “Well, that’s too bad. You got detention so you have to help out.”

“‘That’s too bad?’” he asked with a smirk, making air quotes. “Seriously? You think that’s going to get me to help you?”

I shrugged. I didn’t really think it would’ve. “Just get over here and help,” I snapped.

“Ooh, someone’s angry,” Jason mocked. He remained leaning on the boxes. Now he pulled out his phone, smiling at some stupid thing on the screen.

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