Chapter 3

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As soon as you felt yourself become awake. You smiled, blushing like you never had before. You felt different, feeling as if your heart raced with thrills. You have gotten dressed for school, which you weren't going to attended to.

"You still have an hour le-." "I was going to stop for breakfast at the bakery." Your mother stared at you with such confusion after you nearly sped walked down the stairs ready to go. Usually she drives you to school. She smiled, she also noticed the change in your behavior but she didn't question.

"Okay? Have fun." "Uh huh." You closed the door, you smirked seeing that she didn't notice you didn't have your backpack on. But it was a good thing that she didn't.

You pin point the location of the abandoned theatre on your google maps. Once you got into the city, you took a cab. It took you thirty minutes to get there. The cab driver didn't question you on why you wanted to go there for you tipped him an extra two dollars.

You gave a confused look, there was an elevator. You hesitated but stepped in anyways, your heart was racing. You licked your bottom lip and took in a deep breath after you punched the down arrow button with your finger.

"Nightwing!" You slowly jogged outside of the elevator, you had a smile on your face that was in the form of a grin. But it faded soon after your eyes stopped scanning around the dark room. You stopped walking as well, your feet began to lightly drag against the cement floor towards a giant screen.

You gave a small swallow next, the tv was the only thing that sent off light. And on that screen, it was playing a recording caught from a security camera that faced in an alley way. Your heart started to race as your lips began to dry from keeping them parted.

One of your fist hovered in front of your chest as the other dangled at your side. Your eyes scanned the background of the area only to stop seeing the person you were looking for.

A small whimper escaped from your lips when Nightwing faced the camera with a young girl in his arms. You couldn't help but to stare, your eyes were starting to water but only from not blinking.

As the video began to slightly glitch, you watched the girl be set back onto her feet only for her arms to wrap around Nightwing's neck. His hands went up, his left foot moved back as the women began to move her lips onto his.

Once you seen him place his gloved hands onto her shoulders, you looked down, tears slipping onto your cheek. The clip paused for you heard it do so, you felt like falling to your knees as you held your fist, but after hearing footsteps shuffle, you remained to freeze in position.

"All it takes is one bad day to ruin all the good days ahead." The voice was sketchy, you didn't recognize it. But when you looked up and behind you, you seen the clown, known as the Joker, from the photo you saw when doing research on Nightwing.

You didn't say anything, you couldn't. You heard him give a deep sigh and place a hand on your shoulder, making you tense when he made you face the screen again. "You see. All people do is hurt others. It's human nature to hurt the ones we love so we don't watch other do so."

"He didn't love me." You heard the Joker chuckle, you shut your eyes only for them to open widely when a cloth was held over your nose and mouth. You struggled with whimpers and grunts but it didn't help you stop from becoming unconscious.

You heard the sounds of feet shuffling when you awoken, you had your eyes still shut. You gave a small grunt, feeling your hands were tied and that you were sitting. Your feet were tied too. And when you tried to move, only the chair did.

"And then all of the sudden she changed. She came back a completely different person with a new mindset, on life. The girl that cared way too much about everyone and everything. No longer cares at all." You opened your eyes to the Joker's voice. You were in the same room still.

You seen the light room the tv screen shine around you. You didn't say anything or stop your struggling. You were glad you weren't facing the screen. Instead your back was as you watched the Joker shuffle around you.

"I already called help for you." He laughed, not crazy. It was like a sarcastic chuckle. You didn't feel anything. You stared at your shoes, giving small swallows when he placed a hand on your shoulder from behind you. "Here he is." You heard the elevator coming down like you did when you were riding it down here.

The Joker chuckled, you knew who it was that he contacted and after hearing a grunt from him when he jogged out of the elevator like you did, he stopped on his tracks just the same. "Now, now. What a big surprise isn't?" When you glanced up when still facing down, you seen Nightwing not looking at you, but at the screen behind you.

"If you think she was numb before. Now this makes her...ultra numb." His hand left your shoulder and placed under your chin, you gave watery eyes towards Nightwing, whom was holding electrical rods close to him at his sides. "(Y/n) don't listen to him. I can explain." "Oh, do tell. I want to get in on this."

You shut your eyes, but they opened just to see Nightwing give a nod, but when that happened, your eyes widened and lips parted. The Joker was thrown to the ground, Batman was dealing with him as Nightwing ran up to you. "(Y/n)." "I don't want t-." "Please."

Your eyes stared into Nightwing's, until the both of you glanced away in opposite directions after hearing the Joker chuckle and Batman grunt after getting knocked off the clown. "Go on. Tell her that she doesn't matter!"

After Batman's fist collided with his cheek, Nightwing started to untie your feet ankles, looking up at you still as you tried to avoid eye contact. "It was my cheek she kissed at. When I placed my hands in her shoulders. I pushed her off. You didn't see the rest of the clip cause of him."

You looked at him when he moved up and over to untie your hands, you heard the clown chuckle as he was thrown into a cell box they had, along with three more on the other side. When you placed your hands in front of you, you rubbed your wrist, well the left one since the rope was wrapped tightly on that side.

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