23."One last time"

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I am laying on the middle of the forest. A load of memories come back at me at once. Lilith, Rin, (y/n). I stand up and run towards the dormitories, according to Lilith's plan, everyone should be there. (Y/n) is about to die, I have to stop Lilith, she has probably not taken control over Rin yet,she wants to talk to (y/n) first. I have to hurry, start running even faster I'm not that far away from the dormitories, I should be able to get there very fast. I get there and open the door rapidly, making a lot of sound. I just announced myself. I see Lilith in front of me almost immediately. "I see that you have decided to join us Yukio" there is no time, I take out my gun and start shooting at her, she dodges very single one and gets closer to me with every dodge. She gets right on front of me "Why don't we take this outside? Huh, Yukio?"


I am at the verge of tears at this point. Just to think about how much pain my little baby will have to go trough. I remember when I held her in my arms, she was taken away from me since the moment after she was born. So I only held her once, but it's okay. I'm going to be killed by Yukio in moment anyway so thinking about it wont do any good. He began to shoot me, he is in such rush to kill me, does he think (y/n) would hurt Rin. She can but she wouldn't, I know how much she loves Rin.


After a wild fight between Lilith and I, she stands still I am still pointing at he with the  gun, she continues to attack me as before, but it feels different, she is careless. I get to shoot her twice in a row, that hadn't happened before. We keep fighting I gain the advantage and after she is surrounded by the demos that I summoned, which she could easily destroy given her power and skill, but instead she opens her arms and lays her head back, looking at the night of the sky. I didn't even notice until now, the flames that were wrestling before are gone now, they finished fighting. The demon that I had previously summoned gives Lilith the final attack and she disappears into smoke. 


I can't move. I can't speak.I can't stop myself. I can't control myself. "Don't worry, it'll be okay." (y/n) says with the calmest voice I've ever heard her speak. She looks calm and is smiling lightly, it's not a happy smile, it's a sad smile. She wants me to stay calm and to try and fight this, but I can't do it, I want to stop this so badly. I feel my eyes threatening with a  tear but I manage to hold it in. "PLEASE STOP THIS" I  scream inside my head, hoping that Lilith would have mercy on me. I feel my body get ready to attack, I try to warn (y/n) but its useless. I run toward her and shove my sword to her stomach, she dodges it easily. I attack once again from above but she blocks it with her own sword. Her eyes were intense, she shifted entirely into battle mode in the matter of seconds. She loves fighting, that's what kept her alive for all those years she lived alone. There were noises of fighting too downstairs, it must me Yukio and Lilith, maybe they are fighting? I was wondering where Yukio was. I must have spaced out because the next thing I see is the whole building on flames. (Y/n) is standing on front of me, panting, but i can see that she still has stamina to fight more. I realize that I am panting too, exhausted, I feel my body weak and tense from fighting. (Y/n) crushes a whole through the wall and leads her outside, I follow her with an attack to the ground but she dodges, I just realize that she was using her flames to power up, she never uses them unless she is serious. I know she has to be serious after all my intentions are to kill her. We continue to battle, I began to overwhelm her, this reminds me of when I fought with Amaimon . I am still trying to stop myself but I can't, at this pace, if (y/n) doesn't start getting the advantage, she might lose. I feel the tears began to threaten my eyes, but I can't hold in my tears anymore, I start crying, but I know the rest of my face is emotionless. I want to  scream to her, I want to tell her I'm sorry for all the pain she is going through. My controlled body began to damage her and hurt her even more, I punch her in the gut, maybe breaking some ribs. I attack with my sword, which she blocks with her hand, making her bleed. We attack each other in mid air but I take both hands and bash her. When I land to the ground I see her lying on the floor, she's covered with bruises and scratches, she seems to be healing slower than usual because of all the damage that she has taken. I feel disgusting. I did this to her, she is not unconscious, while she is still on the ground I kneel next to her. She opens her eyes.

"It's okay, Rin. I know that wasn't you back there" she says quietly.

"I'm so sorry (y/n)" I said between sobs. I finally was able to talk, but it was already over. I gained control over my body once again. I take her on my arms and hold her tight. 

"Can you kiss me one last time?" She asks, barely able to speak. I nod and lean closer to her, one last kiss. I see a single tear down her face, and I kiss her softly.

"I love you, Rin"(y/n) says when the kiss is over.

"I love you too, (y/n). And I will, always" her eyes close after my words, with a light smile she gives her last breath and I break into sobbing. 

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