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"Come on guys one last photo and then we are done." Chase said as he kneeled down with his camera in hand ready to take another picture. The guys nodded their heads as they got into their last position standing still waiting on Chase to take the picture. Chase took the final picture and smiled. "Okay, that's it you all can go home now." Chase said as he walked off looking at the pictures he had taken. "Finally, its been a long day." Andy said as he stretched his arms up and popped his neck. "Yeah, you said it." Jake said as he walked off the shoot yawning.

'I wonder what Elayn is doing? She is probably still in my room with Crow laying there waiting for me to come home.' Andy thought to himself with a smile on his face as he walked out of the studio.

"Let's go home, I'm ready for a nap." Cc said as he walked out along side Andy and headed towards Jinxx's car. Andy chuckled as he walked with Cc. "You can say that again today was so damn tiring." Andy said as he looked behind him and saw Jake, Jinxx, and Ashley walking towards them. "Hurry the hell up I want to go home!" Andy yelled at the guys jokingly as he opened the passenger door. "We're coming you little shit." Jake said with a slight laugh as they reached the car and got in. Andy laughed a bit and got into the car as Jinxx started the engine and began to drive home.

'I can't wait to see Elayn. I haven't seen her since this morning and I miss her voice and her smile I just miss her.' Andy thought to himself as he looked out the car window and smiled.

Elayn made it to the airport and scheduled a flight to Cincinnati as soon as possible. The plane boarded only minutes afterwards and Elayn was in first class on a one way trip to Cincinnati. "I'm coming home guys and I plan to stay in Ohio." Elayn said to herself as she looked out of the plane window.

'By now the guys should be home and see my note...I just hope that they don't try to look for me because they won't find me I didn't leave any hints of where I am going and everything of mine is gone...I mean everything.' Elayn thought to herself as she flew back to her home town.

The guys arrived home not long after. Andy got out of the car first and casually walked up to the front door and unlocked it with his house keys. Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, and Cc got out of the car and followed Andy into the house. "Elayn, we're home!" Andy yelled like he usually did waiting for Elayn to come downstairs or yell back. The house went silent after Andy yelled and the guys looked at each other with a confused face. "Elayn?" Andy asked as he began to walk upstairs looking for her. "Come on this isn't funny." Andy said as he walked to his room and opened the door finding an empty room with only crow inside.

'Where is she? She usually comes running downstairs to tackle Andy when he gets home but I don't see a sign of her anywhere.' Jake thought to himself as he walked around also looking for Elayn.

Andy exited his room and walked down to Elayn's room opening the door to se if she was in there. "Elayn are you in here?" Andy asked as he walked into Elayn's room and looked around. "Where is she?" Andy asked himself as he walked over to Elayn's night stand and found a note. "Guys I found a note!" Andy yelled as he bolted downstairs and up to the guys. "What does it say?" Cc asked as he walked up to Andy looking at the note. Andy skimmed through the note amd handed it to Cc. "What, what's wrong?" Jake asked as he peered over Cc shoulder to look at the note. "She's gone...and she won't come back I know her even if you try to convince her she won't come back....but I have to try." Andy said as he walked upstairs and grabbed his passport. "Wait, do you even know where she went?" Jinxx asked as he looked at Andy with a raised eyebrow. "I have a feeling of where she is." Andy said as he walked downstairs and up to the guys. "Oh and Ashley this is your fucking fault why she left and yes you should feel bad you little shit." Andy said as he walked out of the house and got into his car. "What the hell is he talking about I didn't do anything to her." Ashley said as he looked confused at the guys. "I don't know, man, but still I hope he can get her to come back." Jake said as he walked upstairs to go take a shower. Ashley sighed and walked upstairs to his room and closer the door behind himself. "What the fuck did I do?" Ashley asked himself as he walked over to his bed and noticed his note book that was opened on his bed.

'Damn it she must have found it and read it. I'm such a fuck up I knew I shouldn't have kept that note book but I still did. God damn it I made Elayn leave! I lost her again and now she will never come back Ashley you fucking screw up!' Ashley thought to himself as he moved away from his bed and punched the wall making a hole form where he punched.

Andy fastly drove down the street to the airport and parked his car with a screech of his tires.

'She's going back home I know it I have a gut feeling about it.' Andy thought to himself as he quickly got out of his car and ran inside of the airport.

"May I help you?" The Lady at the front desk asked Andy. "Yeah, did a girl named Elayn Biersack buy a plane ticket to Cincinnati, Ohio?" Andy asked her as he quickly tapped his foot in anticipation waiting for her answer. "Yes Sir, her flight left about three hours and forty-five minutes ago." She responded as she looked at the computer. "Well, is there any other flight to Cincinnati today?" Andy asked as he looked at his phone to see the time.

1:45PM Andy's phone read.

"Yes Sir, at two PM today will that be okay?" Sally asked as she looked at Andy. "Yeah, that will be fine." Andy responded as he pulled out his wallet and passport. "Okay and what class will you fly?" Sally asked Andy as she turned back to the computer looking at available seats. "First class." Andy said as he was getting ready to hand her his credit card and passport. "Okay well that will be 1,065 dollars." Sally said as she looked at Andy. Andy handed her his credit card to pay for the ticket. Sally printed out his ticket and handed it to Andy with a smile on her face. Andy took the ticket and sat down waiting for the time to board the plane with anticipation.

'I hope that her flight is going well I don't know what I would do if I lost her I can't live without Elayn I need her inorder for me to continue living I need...her.' Andy thought to himself as he waited anxiously.

Elayn is sitting down in her seat looking out the window looking at clouds and birds as they pass by anxiously waiting for her plane to land so she can go home. "Can this plane go any slower?" Elayn asked herself as she scrolled trough her phone looking at old pictures of her and Ashley and began to delete every one of them. Elayn sighed as the final hour past and her plane landed.

'Finally I'm home.' Elayn thought as she got off the plane and headed to the baggage claim.

'Damn it this flight is taking forever. I still have three hours to go and I need to get to Elayn now.' Andy thought to himself as he tapped his foot anxiously looking at his phone.

Elayn grabbed her luggage and walked out of the airport she had been in before with her brother when they first left Ohio. Elayn smiled at the familiar surroundings of her home town as he hailed a taxi to take her home. A taxi pulled up next to Elayn. "Where to?" The taxi driver asked. Elayn gave him her address and he began to drive to her parents house. Elayn smiled as she looked at her familiar home town and wonderful memories raced through her mind. "Here you go, sweet heart." The taxi driver told Elayn as pulled up in front of Elayn's childhood home. "Thanks." Elayn said as she paid the taxi driver and got out of the taxi with her luggage and walked up to the front door of her parents house.

'Well here it goes.' Elayn thought to herself as she knocked on the front door and waited for her mom or dad to answer.

Sibling Love (An Andy Biersack Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now