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Elayn smiled as she walked downstairs. "Hey are you okay?" Jinxx asked as he walked up to Elayn with a cup of alcohol in his hand. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Elayn asked as she placed her hands in the pockets of Andy's jacket and smiled. "Don't know I was just wondering." Jinxx said before he turned around and walked off to go outside. Elayn smiled to herself as she walked up to the table filled with liquor and grabbed a a bottle of whiskey for herself. "Whatever." Elayn said with a shrug as she drank the whiskey getting her slightly more drunk. Andy walked downstairs and next to Elayn. "Take it easy, babe." Andy said with a smile as he looked at Elayn. "Whatever, baby." Elayn said as she finished the whiskey and set the empty bottle down getting a new one.

'Got to drink away the memory have to forget what he did to me what they did to me I have to forget I have to forget.' Elayn thought to herself as she chugged the whiskey finishing the whole bottle.

Andy looked at Elayn with caution. Elayn looked at Andy then grabbed another bottle and walked outside to the backyard. "Elayn!" Brendon yelled as he ran up to Elayn and hugged her tightly. "Hey Brendon." Elayn said as she took a gulp of the whiskey and looked at Brendon. "Hey can you do another performance for us?" Brendon asked as he pulled back from their hug and looked at Elayn. Elayn smiled and nodded. "Yeah, let me guess you want me to do Panic! songs huh?" Elayn asked with a smile and a slight slur. Brendon blushed a bit and looked away. "Whatever's comfortable with you, kitten." Brendon said as he looked away and blushed. Elayn smiled and kissed Brendon's cheek then walked back onto stage with the whiskey in her hand. "Guys this is a special request from my amazing friend Brendon Urie!" Elayn yelled into the mic as she drank her whiskey and stumbled a bit. The crowed went wild when they heard Elayn's voice and Brendon blushed hard. Elayn drank her whiskey and finished it throwing the bottle off the stage and began to sing "Build God Then We'll Talk" perfectly even though she was drunk. "Get it sexy!" A guy yelled from the crowed to Elayn as he watched her with dirty thoughts in his mind. Andy walked outside and saw Elayn, who was in her bra, pants, and leather jacket, performing on stage and having guys whistle and stare at her.

'What the hell? Why is she out here like that? And she's drunk this is not going to end well at all.' Andy thought to himself as he neared the stage.

Elayn finished singing and saw Andy walking on stage. "Guys before I sing another song I want you to know something." Elayn said as she walked over to Andy with the mic in her hand. "This guy right here is the love of my fucking life and I belong to him so all you other guys back the fuck up or I will kick your ass yeah you heard me right I will do it not him me." Elayn said with a slur as she grabbed Andy's arm and looked at the crowed. "Baby, you're drunk. You need to get off stage." Andy whispered into Elayn's ear as he looked at her. "What? No I'm not and I want to party with all my friends until I pass out." Elayn said to Andy slurring more and let go of his arm. "No come on let's go to sleep or something you need to take it easy for a while." Andy said as he looked at Elayn and held one hand out. Elayn shook her head as she ran off towards one of the metal pipe beams and climbed up it with the mic in her hand. The crowed went wild and screamed Elayn's name as she climbed towards the center and stood up looking down at the crowed and began to sing "Emperors New Clothes" and walked along the pipes. "Damn it Elayn." Andy said to himself as he looked up at Elayn. Elayn smiled and walked along the pipes singing and stumbling a bit. The crowed stared at Elayn in amassment. "Do a flip!" Someone yelled from the crowed. Ashley turned around at the request and looked up at the stage. "What the fuck?" Ashley asked himself as he signalled Jake and Cc to look at Elayn. Elayn smirked and got cocky dropping the mic and jumped off the pipes doing a flip and landed on her two feet on the stage shattering her ankle. Elayn fell over and held her ankle. Ashley, Jake, and Cc ran up onto the stage and by Elayn's side next to Andy. "Elayn, are you okay?" Andy asked as he brushed Elayn's hair out of the way. Elayn sat up and laughed like a idiot. "Yeah, I'm fine but I have to keep performing." Elayn said as she stood up and put pressure on her ankle and grabbed the mic slightly limping in pain. "How the hell is she okay?" Ashley asked in disbelief. "She isn't, she's drunk that's why she shrugged it off." Andy said as he stood up and looked at Elayn concerned.

'Why did she get so drunk anyways? She hasn't done this since she was twenty and tomorrow morning her ankle is going to be all swollen and I know if I ask her to go to the hospital she won't go willingly.' Andy thought to himself as he watched Elayn preform with a limp.

Elayn finished her performance and smiled at the crowed. The crowed yelled and scream in excitement as they watched Elayn walk off the stage with a limp.

1:01AM Elayn's watch read.

Elayn walked into the house and Andy followed behind. "Okay guys party's over you don't have to go home but you can't stay here!" Jake yelled into the mic then walked off stage. Everyone left in groups. "Hey, that was amazing, Elayn." Vic said as he smiled at Elayn then left. Elayn smiled and watched everyone as they left. The last group left and Jake closed the door. "What the hell were you thinking?" Cc asked as he looked at Elayn. "What?" Elayn asked as she looked at Cc. "Why did you jump from that high? What if you didn't land on your feet and smashed your head open?" Cc asked as he looked at Elayn and crossed his arms. "Because I wanted to and well I didn't so be glad I'm alive." Elayn said with a slur as she walked off with a limp. "Elayn, let's go to the hospital." Andy said as he followed Elayn. "What, why?" Elayn asked as she turned and looked at Andy. Andy looked at Elayn. "Because you hurt your ankle and I think you should go to the hospital." Andy said as he put his hands in his pocket and looked at Elayn. Elayn laughed a bit. "Yeah, that's not going to happen." Elayn said as she walked upstairs with a limp to her room. "Stubborn as usual." Andy said under his breath as he followed behind Elayn.

'Fuck I can still feel what he did to me and I can still remember what happened. Why can't I forget what happened?' Elayn thought to herself as she walked into her bathroom.

Andy walked up to Elayn's door and tried to open it but it was locked. "Elayn?" Andy asked quietly as he continue to try and open the door. Elayn looked through her cabinet for a small container of pills. Andy sighed and walked away.

'Maybe she's going to sleep if so we can always go to the hospital in the morning to get her ankle checked but I just hope she's okay after all that happened tonight.' Andy thought to himself as he wlaked into his room and closed the door behind him.

Elayn found the pills and checked how many were left. "This should help me forget." Elayn said to herself as she put a handful of pills in her mouth and swolled them closing her eyes and sliding down the wall of the bathroom and sat there waiting for the pills to work. "Maybe I should try again." Andy said as he looked at his door and pondered whether to go to Elayn or not. The pills set in and caused Elayn to pass out and go limp she only took enough that would help her relax or so she thought. Elayn breathing slowed a bit as the pills did more of a effect to her. "Fuck it." Andy said as he walked out of his room and to Elayn's this time kicking the door down. "Elayn?" Andy asked as he searched the room for her. Andy saw a hand from the door frame of the bathroom and walked over quickly. Andy's eyes widen as he saw Elayn with a bottle of pills in her hand and that she was passed out while frothing at the mouth.

Sibling Love (An Andy Biersack Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now