"Little Rock Star"

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"Okay Jake you go and tell the guys we are having a party and tell them to invite anyone and everyone." Andy said as he smiled at Elayn then looked at Jake who was still blushing. "Okay." Jake said as he took his gaze off of Elayn and walked back into the house to tell the guys. "What was that about?" Andy asked Elayn as he looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" Elayn asked as she looked at Andy a bit confused.

'Did she really not notice how Jake was looking at her? Or that he was blushing so fucking hard it looked like he got slapped?' Andy thought to himself as he looked at Elayn and shook his head.

"Its nothing, baby, let's go change, okay." Andy said as he got down on one knee to give Elayn a piggy back ride. Elayn smiled and got onto Andy's back and laughed a bit. "Okay." Elayn said as Andy stood up and grabbed her legs so she wouldn't fall and walked into the house and up the stairs. "Yeah, so we are having a party, a huge one, and Andy said to invite everyone and anyone." Jake told Jinxx, Cc, and Ashley. "Alright, I will go start calling everyone." Ashley said as he got up and walked into the dinning room for silence. Jake nodded his head as Jinxx and Cc got up. "Cc and I will go and get the alcohol and everything else we will need for an epic party." Jinxx said with a smile as he and Cc walked towards the front door. "Okay, and I will call in a few favors to get us a stage for tonight you never know if someone is going to want to preform." Jake said with a smile as he walked into the backyard and called his manager. Andy set Elayn down in her room so she could change and walked out to go to his room. Elayn laughed to herself as she closed the door and took off her bikini as she dried herself off. Andy closed his door and took off his swimming shorts and began to dry himself off and change. Elayn put on a pair of black panties and a black bra as she walked over to her drawer and put on black skinny jeans and walked over to her closet and grabbed a Black Veil Brides tank top that revealed her tattoos and put it on. Andy put on a pair of boxers and black skinny jeans with a Batman muscle shirt along with his leather jacket and combat boots. Elayn put on a pair of all black boots and walked out of her room and downstairs. Andy quickly fixed his hair then walked downstairs and up to Elayn's side. "This will be fun." Elayn said with a smile as she looked at Andy. "Yeah, it will, baby." Andy said as he smiled back at Elayn then walked into the kitchen.

'Maybe tonight we can do like a private concert for those who come. I don't mind really I would love to preform tonight but I could be lead singer or Andy and I can sing together.' Elayn thought to herself as she sat down on the couch and smiled to herself.

Jake came inside and flashed a smile at Elayn. "Well we will have a stage ready tonight." Jake said as he sat down next to Elayn. Elayn smiled and looked at Jake. "Well since we will have a stage would you guys mind if we put on a concert tonight?" Elayn asked in a hopeful tone and excitement in her eyes. Jake smiled. "Not at all let me guess you're lead vocals today?" Jake asked with a chuckle when he knew the obvious answer. "Yeah, tell the guys for me okay." Elayn said as she kept her smile on her face and looked at Jake. "Okay I will." Jake said as he got up from the couch and walked over to Ashley to tell him. "Okay sounds good." Ashley said as he dialed a new number and began to call someone else. "Alright." Jake said as he walked away and began to call Jinxx to tell him. "Hello?" Jake asked as Jinxx answered the phone. "Hey what's up man?" Jinxx asked as he put Jake on speaker and drove. "Elayn wanted to know if we would preform with her tonight you know like a private concert?" Jake asked as he leaned against the wall. "Yeah sounds great its been a while since we rocked out with our little rock star." Jinxx said with a chuckle and Cc nodded in agreement. "Okay so we will preform with Elayn tonight sounds great, bye." Jake said as he hung up the phone and looked at Elayn. "Well are we doing warpaint or not?" Jake asked with a smile as Andy walked out of the kitchen and to Elayn's side. Elayn smiled. "What do you think, Jake?" Elayn asked with a smirk as she looked at Andy then at Jake. "Warpaint it is then." Andy said as he looked at Elayn and smiled warmly. "Okay well let's wait until everyone is here to do our warpaint. What songs are we going to do?" Jake asked as he looked at Elayn and Ashley joined his side. "Well I was thinking we could do it like we used to you know you begin the songs at random and I sing them." Elayn said as she looked at Jake and Ashley. "Sounds fun can't wait maybe we can finally trip you up." Ashley said with a chuckle. Elayn smirked. "You know damn well that won't happen." Elayn said said as she smirked at Ashley. "One can dream Elayn." Ashley said as he walked past Elayn and tussled her hair. Elayn growled playfully. "Don't touch my hair!" Elayn said as she turned a looked at Ashley who was walking into the backyard. Jake and Andy laughed at Elayn as Andy tussled Elayn's hair. "You're too cute." Andy said with a smile as he walked away and began to prepare everything for the party. Elayn crossed her arms and blew a raspberry at Andy as she sat on the couch and waited.

'This party should be amazing I can't wait to preform and forget about everything that has happened all the bad. Tonight is the night where everything bad is forgotten and only the good is focused on.' Elayn thought to herself with a smile on her face.

Jinxx and Cc arrived at the house a few hours later. "We're home and we got the good stuff." Cc said with a wide smile as the two of them walked into the house. "What took you so long?" Jake asked as he helped carry in everything. "We had to make sure we got the good alcohol not the corner store kind." Jinxx said with a smile as he set the bags down on the table and went back to his car to get more. "Good thing you did that generic shit doesn't work for me ask Jason." Elayn said with a smile as she took everything out and set it on the table and counter. Jinxx and Cc came into the house with handfuls of bags that contained alcohol and red plastic cups along with shot glasses and set them on the counter taking everything out to help Elayn.

5:03 PM Elayn's watch read.

"So when is everyone going to get here?" Elayn asked as she threw away brown paper bags. "Any minute now just be patient." Jake said as he set out cups and shot glasses all on the table. Elayn smiled and helped Jake as she set out cups and began to open the alcohol. Moments later there was a knock at the door. "I will get it." Andy said as he walked over to the front door and opened it. "Hey Andy miss me?" A familiar voice said from the doorway but Elayn was to far to see who it was. "Actually I didn't. What do you want Juliet?" Andy asked as Juliet pushed her way into the house. "This is a party right? Aren't I allowed to be here?" Juliet asked as she looked around the house then looked at Elayn and smiled a evilly wicked smile at her. "Just the girl I'm looking for." Juliet said as she walked over to Elayn and stared at her.

'Why the hell is she here? Who called her? I swear if she tries anything I mean anything I will kick her sorry ass right here right now and this time I will kill her.' Elayn thought to herself as she glared at Juliet a bit aggravated with her presence.

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