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"That was exhausting." Elayn said with a smile as Andy walked her to his car. Andy smiled. "All a part of being famous, baby." Andy said with a chuckle as he opened the passenger door for Elayn to let her in. Elayn smiled and got into the car as Andy closed it behind her and walked over to the driver side and got in. "So what else do you want to do today?" Andy asked as he started the car engine and looked at Elayn. "Whatever you feel like doing I don't really mind." Elayn said with a smile as Andy pulled out of the garage parking lot. "Well since its lunch time let's go out for lunch." Andy said as he drove down the street to a near by restaurant. Elayn smiled and nodded her head as Andy parked the car. Andy turned off the engine as Elayn stepped out of the car and people began to walk up to Elayn and ask for her autograph and a picture. Andy got out of his car and walked over to Elayn's side and wrapped an arm around her waist holding her close. "So it is true!!" One of the girls gasped. "Oh my God you two are perfect together!" One girl yelled in excitement as she took a picture of Andy and Elayn together. Elayn and Andy smiled at each other and kissed once to give the girls a show. All the girls screamed and began to take more pictures as Andy and Elayn kissed. Andy and Elayn signed a few pictures and walked into the restaurant.

'That was amazing I love how accepting they are. Maybe things will really be okay for us. I really believe everyone will accept us just like they did.' Elayn thought to herself as her and Andy were seated.

"Pretty cool huh?" Andy asked as he looked at Elayn and smiled. Elayn smiled. "Yeah, that hasn't happened to me in a while." Elayn said as she looked out the window and saw dozens of girls with pictures of her and Andy and smiled at them. "Them seem to love you." Andy said as he looked out the window and them back at Elayn. "Yeah, I think they do." Elayn said as she turned and looked back at Andy and smiled as the waitress walked up to take their orders. "What can I get you guys to drink?" She asked as she pulled out a small note book and pen. "Um...iced tea." Elayn said as the waitress wrote it down. "And for you Sir?" She asked Andy. "I will have the same thing." Andy said as he looked at Elayn and smiled. Elayn was busy messing with her snake bites. "Okay I will be right back." The waitress said as she walked off. "Babe, what are you doing?" Andy asked as he cocked an eyebrow and watched Elayn. "Messing with my snake bites." Elayn said as she continued to mess with her snake bites. "You're so strange." Andy said as the waitress came back with their drinks. "You love me." Elayn said as she sipped her tea and looked at Andy. Andy smiled and grabbed Elayn's hand. "I can't deny that, baby." Andy said with a smile on his face. The waitress smiled at Elayn and Andy. "So what can I get you guys?" She asked as she hovered his pen over the small note book. "Um..I will have a Caesar Salad." Elayn said as she handed the waitress her menu. "Okay and for you?" She asked Andy. "Yeah, I will have a vegy burger with everything on it and season fries." Andy said as he handed the waitress his menu and looked at Elayn smiling.

'I know that I shouldn't flirt with a costumer but damn he's hot. What is he doing here with a girl like her? I'm hotter than she will ever be. I wonder if I flirt enough with him if he will leave her and be with me? I dont know we will find out.' The waitress thought as she took their menu's and jotted their orders down.

"Okay so a vegy burger with everything on it and season fries for the handsome guy and a Caesar salad for the girl. Will that be all?" She asked as she winked at Andy. "Yeah, that's all." Andy said as he looked at the waitress cautiously with one eyebrow raised. "Okay be right back cutie." The waitress said as she walked away. Elayn caught a glimpse of her name tag 'Sara' it read.

'That's Sara? Holy fuck she isn't that pretty and Ashley was going to marry her before me? Wow I mean she's cute but she looks so frail and self centered no wonder he was attracted to her. But if she tries anything with Andy I will fuck her up so bad she won't know what hit her other than my fist.'
Elayn thought as she glared at Sara then looked at Andy.

"Hey, are you okay?" Andy asked as he looked at Elayn a bit worried. Elayn snapped out of thought and smiled at Andy. "Yeah, I'm okay don't worry." Elayn said with a smile. Andy smiled and leaned over the table to kiss Elayn. Elayn smiled and kissed Andy back. "You're so strange." Elayn said with a smile as she pulled back and looked at Andy. "Yeah, I am but you love me, baby." Andy said with a smile as he took Elayn's hand in his. Elayn smiled and looked at Andy. "Yeah, I do." Elayn said as Sara came back with their food. "Vegy burger for the handsome man," Sara said as she set a plate in front of Andy. "And a salad for his mom." She said with a smirk as she set the salad bowl in front of Elayn with a bit of force. Elayn scoffed. "His mom?" She asked as she looked at Sara. "Sorry grandmother." She said with a smirk and a hand on her hip. Elayn laughed and propped her hand under her chin and looked at Sara. "Okay listen, Sara, first of all I'm not his grandmother or his mom I'm his girlfriend and second of all I don't even look that old I'm only twenty-four. So I do not know who you think you are to be talking to me like that so I heavily suggest you change your tone." Elayn said as she looked at Sara with piercing eyes. Sara took a step back and looked at Elayn. "Or what? You won't do anything." She said taunting Elayn. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Andy said warning Sara. Elayn smirked and glared at Sara with eyes that could kill. "You don't want to know what I will do." Elayn said scaring Sara. Sara gulped and walked away. Elayn smirked to herself as she picked at her salad. "You're so hot." Andy said with a smile on his face as he looked at Elayn. Elayn smiled and ate a bit if her salad. "Yeah, I know." She said as she ate her salad. Andy smirked and ate his burger.

'Holy hell I don't know what it is about girls being violent or just threatening but that shit is hot and a total turn on for me like fuck.' Andy thought to himself as he ate and looked at Elayn who was picking at her salad.

"Babe, you okay?" Andy asked as he wiped his mouth. "Yeah, I'm fine." Elayn said as she ate some more of her salad and covered her mouth as she chewed. Andy nodded his head and continued to eat.

'Good thing he doesn't know about my bulimia I don't know what he will do if he found out I can't hold down a meal.' Elayn thought as she continued to pick at her salad.

Andy finished his food and Elayn pushed her's off to the side because she was "full". "You ready to go?" Andy asked as he glanced at Elayn's salad bowl and looked at her. "Yeah." Elayn said with a smile. Elayn and Andy got their check and paid for their meal as they left. "Don't come back!" Sara yelled after Elayn. Elayn smirked and shot Sara the finger as her and Andy left. "She's so funny." Elayn said as she got into Andy's car. Andy smiled and got into the car and started the engine. "Yeah because she's crazy not to want to see your beautiful face ever again." Andy said as he leaned in to kiss Elayn. Elayn smiled and kissed Andy back. "You're so corny." Elayn said as Andy started the car engine and pulled out of the parking lot. "Yeah, I know, baby." Andy said as they neared the house. Elayn smiled and looked out the window as Andy drove closer to the house. Andy and Elayn made it to the house with in a few minutes. Elayn got out of the car and walked up to the front door waiting for Andy.

1:35PM Elayn's watch read.

Andy got out of his car and walked up to the front door by Elayn's side and opened it. Elayn walked in taking off her jacket and placing it on the coat rack and walked upstairs. Andy walked upstairs behind Elayn. Elayn walked into her room and closed the door behind her rushing to the bathroom. Andy went to his room and placed his leather jacket on his bed and saw that Elayn left one of her shirts in his room. Elayn lifted up the toilet seat and began to make herself throw up what she had eaten. Andy picked up Elayn's shirt and walked out of his room and into Elayn's he placed the shirt on her bed and turned to leave but before he could he heard the sound of someone vomiting.

'What the hell? Is that Elayn? Is she okay where is she?' Andy thought to himself as he walked into Elayn bathroom and saw what she was doing Andy's eyes widen as he looked at Elayn.

Sibling Love (An Andy Biersack Fanfic) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now