16 - Timeless for you

16 2 1

Chapter sixteen

Leo's POV

A few hours earlier

Mom has woken up a few days ago and still Charlie hasn't came to visit. I am beginning to worry about her, she has never been this quiet or this distant, especially about family!

I decide to call her once again in hopes that she would pick up.

Big surprise, she doesn't.

I go back to mom's room. They have decided to let her stay in the hospital so they can see her progress after the surgery since it was a pretty aggressive one. She looked very pale and weak but still she is was talking and eating properly. My mother is a fighter. She can overcome this.

- She hasn't answered you yet?
- mom asks.

- Nope. - I answer while sitting in a chair.

- Just give her some time... She'll come around.

- I just wished she would talk to us!

- She just found out that her mother is an alcoholic, her brother gave up his musical dreams for her, she saw again her long lost father and on top of that she found out that that man isn't her biological father because her mother was a whore! Give her some time Leo!

- I guess you're right... She'll come around!

- Who is coming around? - I hear Charlie's voice.

I turn around to see a very sweaty Charlie. God that girl and her running! How can she enjoy it? I take three steps to the kitchen and that is basically my workout for the day! No wonder she is in such a great shape! That reminds me that I myself have to loose a few pounds...

Holy shit I sound like an old man!

- Where have you been?! - I ask - I have been calling you for ages!

- I went out for a run.
- she blandly responds.

- You went out for a run for three days?!

- I got lost?

I roll my eyes but I decide to let this one slide. I must give her time...

- So how are you doing mom? - she asks.

- Well I am surrounded by my two beautiful children and I can feel I am getting better by the minute. Besides the whole cancer thing I have never been better! - She smiles. Her smile is weak and a bit forced due the pain she must be going through but it somehow is enough to put this family back together.

- Did dad speak to you? - Charlie however doesn't even seem to force a smile. But I guess I must give her some time.

- He didn't have too. I know he was here and I know you guys kicked him out. - she turns her gaze back to me this time - But he is a really good man... I would like you guys to give him a chance.

- He left us. - I mumble.

- I forced him to leave, Leo! - my mother responds - I am the one who made you guys grow up without a father!

- Why? - Charlie questions.

- Because I couldn't stand hurting him anymore... - mom mutters - Spending the rest of his days with me would be hell to him. And watching him go through hell would be hell to me.

- Dad said you didn't love him. - Charlie comments.

Really Charlie?! Our mom is fighting cancer and you're asking her about Tom? Okay... I know... You just found out three days ago... You must have questions... This is me giving you some time.

- I did. - mom admits - Just not the way he wanted me too. You're father was very traditional. He wanted to fall in love, get married, have kids and grow old together. That was his definition of life, that was his definition of living. He was so closed minded about what life could offer him without marriage, without living up to everybody's expectations but his own!... I loved him for loving me but life is so much more than an already planned out life in the suburbs! Life is beautiful and adventure is there for all those who seek it. Just because you don't want a partner or to give birth that does not mean you are broken or need to be fixed. I wanted to travel the world, see new faces, listen to all kinds of music and poets... - she stops for a minute to choose exactly what she is about to say next - I waned to live all the wonderful things life had to offer me!... And if you restrict yourself to a mapped out life you never really step out of your comfort zone. That's a I was trying to show your father.

I am officially in love with this woman!

- Living isn't for free... - Charlie comments - That's all he was trying to show you.

- So you agree with him?! - I ask with anger building up in my veins - You think he was right when he forced mom to settle down?!

- Yes! Do you think mom could travel and see new faces and new places if dad hadn't been busting his ass?! Sure! All mom said right now is really beautiful but it is completely different version of reality!

- So you're calling him dad now?! - I yell louder than I was supposed to.

- All I am saying is that life isn't cheap. You want to travel the world, fine! Study, go to college, find a good job! That's fucked up but guess what?! LIFE is fucked up! You can't live all the wonderful things life has to offer you without a freaking plan! Without working for what you want! And just because their definition of living is different than yours that doesn't mean they don't live at all! That means they lived differently! The only thing dad did wrong was the fact that the person he was working for was you!

- Hold on! I never said that! - mom intervenes - You're danm right you have to work for the things you want! Do you think I didn't do it? My point is that life isn't all about the plans! Life doesn't have a plan! Life is screwed up! One minute you're at work and the next you have freaking cancer! Life doesn't revolve around your plans, life happens right now while you are making them!

- Oh so when you kicked dad out of our lives it was a spontaneous act?! Or were you planning on doing that right after I was born?! - Charlie yells.

- Your dad was in pain Charlie! And sometimes when you are not happy in in a relationship you just have to let it go! - mom is screaming and sweaty. Now I am done giving this girl time!

I step in to say something but Charlie is faster than me.


- Do you honestly think he could love another man's child, Charlie?! Are seriously that stupid?! - I yell in frustration.

- I HATE YOU! - Charlie screams.

- Both of you out! - Anna, the nurse orders - Now!

We turn over to mom and she is chocking in her own blood.

- NOW! - She repeats.

Once we head out of the room Charlie storms out to the elevator.

- Really Charlie?! Your own mother could die! How can you be so selfish?!

- Selfish people live longer! - she yells without looking back.

That's when I knew I had to see Josh...

Stay With MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora