Chapter 40

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            “…so, after Connor explained to her that who was sleeping with who wasn’t the kind of information we wanted, the cat tried again. When she came back the second time, she said she heard people talking about how they had rivals moving in on their territory, her words, not mine. She also said that they weren’t yet sure how strong the rivals were. I’m pretty sure they were talking about us.

            Anyway, I left Connor to petting her, something she insisted on, then walked over to the café down the street and called a couple of my guys in to stay with Hugh and Connor. We’ve got them watching the place now, while Connor’s trying to get more info. He managed to recruit another cat before I left.

            For now, we’re planning to keep the building under day watch, shifting out and using varying group sizes. We’re also trying to make anyone hanging around look natural. My guys were supposed to be bringing in cigarettes, trying to look like kids hiding in the alley to avoid getting caught by their parents. We’re hoping that’ll keep anyone looking over from figuring out what’s really going on,” Rika finished, leaning back into her worn armchair.

            Ahisu and Damek were seated in mismatched chairs, one to either side of her around the scuffed round table. The various bits of second hand furniture that Rika had picked up and arranged in their small office helped make her feel like this really was their headquarters as well as making their meetings far more comfortable. It was definitely worth the effort it had taken Rika to float the furniture up and through the doorway after they’d finished scrubbing and repainting the whole room.

            The shift of black material drew Rika’s attention back to the present as Ahisu leaned forward. He nodded in her direction, making her grin. She’d been half worried he’d disapprove of what she’d done, since he’d been so against any of them getting within a few dozen metres of the building.

            “Well,” Damek said, running a hand though his hair. “We did know that they were aware of us, what with their previous attempt to plant a spy among us. I’m glad they don’t seem to have much more on us at the moment. Do you think your brother and his cat friends will be able to get anything more useful from hanging around?”

            Rika shrugged. “We’re hoping. We’ve talked about possibly trying a dog too, but they’re a lot more obvious than a cat. And there don’t appear to be any strays nearby, so a dog would probably stick out even more.”

            Metallic creaking and the muffled thump of footsteps announced the arrival of a visitor. And from the volume through the shut door, it was someone in a hurry. All three of them turned to look just as the door was shoved open, banging against the far wall. Rika winced and hoped it didn’t leave a mark after all the time she’d spent getting the paint even. Then she actually looked at the figure standing in front of them.

            Panting and with his brown hair mussed and dark with sweat where it hit his neck, Connor looked like he’d run all the way there. Rika jumped up and hurried over to him, grabbing one of his hands. “What’s wrong?”

            He fought to get his breathing under control. “I came as quickly as I could. I couldn’t trust this to a phone, not with the possibility of it being overheard or seen. Not after what I’ve heard Myra say her online friends have done.”

            “Is everyone alright?”

            Connor nodded and let Rika lead him over to a chair. “I left them watching, in case they moved. They’ll text me if they do, just one letter so anyone looking will think it’s an accident.”

            “You haven’t said what’s happened,” Damek said, eyebrows up.

            “I sent the cats back to listening, at opposite sides of the building. Most of what they brought was nonsense or useless, like the baby shower for the pregnant IT support and one guy’s poor hygiene habits. Then the female came back saying she heard people talking about taking a whole family. She didn’t understand a lot of what they said, and she didn’t have the vocabulary for it, but she was able to explain that they were going to catch a family. She used the specific word that indicated a predator catching prey, but I have no idea if that’s intentional or not. But it sounds like they’re moving in on someone. The others are watching for any big groups going in or coming out.”

            Rika felt a jolt run down her spine, sparking its way into her brain and making the hair on her arms stand up. This was it. This was the kind of thing they needed, both to get more recruits and to let the Office know they couldn’t just do whatever they wanted anymore.

            She turned to look at Ahisu. “We need to save this family! If we move quickly, if we can call in our people who are good at fighting, we can follow them to wherever they’re going and stop them. They won’t be expecting people to help, not with what my people have told me. When the Office comes for someone, everyone else just watches and prays it’s not them next. So we’ll have the element of surprise. This is the perfect opportunity!”

            Ahisu met her eyes, one finger tapping the table. For once, with the fire for the idea burning bright in her chest, she was able to hold his eyes without even blushing. Damek and Connor both turned to look at him too, but Ahisu’s gaze never left Rika’s. After several seconds he nodded.

            Rika grinned and leapt to her feet. “Thank you! I’ll start calling in my people as we head over to meet up with the others. We need to let Hugh know so he can call in his group. They’re the best at fighting. We’ll send the Office running!”

            Connor sighed while Damek chuckled. “Things are never quiet around you are they, stranger-girl?”

            Rika flashed him a smile. “Nope. Now let’s hurry!”

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