Chapter 23

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            Black, whiteless eyes set under black brows scanned the room, the click of the demon’s talons on the floor only stopping when his gaze met Rika’s. At his first step forward, she felt Ahisu’s hand close around her wrist, his other turning white as he clenched it tight. Rika wanted to glance at their staffs, even if they were too far away to be of use, but obsidian eyes pinned her where she was.

            Ishbak stopped only a foot from them, looming over their couch. Damek, Elthia, and Hugh were looking around the room, trying to find what had caused the whirlwind, while Ahisu, Rika, Shay, and Connor all stared at the demon. “Human child,” Ishbak said, inclining his head slightly in her direction. His voice, sounding like the howl of the wind mixed with the growl of thunder, drew the gaze of the three who couldn’t see him.

            Rika’s mouth worked as Ahisu’s grip went from hard to crushing. “Hello,” she finally managed, inwardly cringing at how stupid she sounded. But what was she supposed to say to the demon that had nearly killed her and Ahisu? The memory of Ahisu’s arm piercing her chest rose briefly before she shoved it away, but not before a faint shiver ran through her body.

            “I have a question I wish answered.”

            For a second, Rika could hear nothing except the hammering of her own heart. Then she blinked. “What?”

            “In the course of my studies on the nature of humans, I have come across situations that puzzle me. The first question I pose to you is in regard to the human custom of giving gifts. Why has such a custom come about, and what gain is received from giving items to another? In most cases, contrary to what I had believed previously, the gifts were not given as payment or bribe to those with more power. Many were even given to children, who have no value until grown to an age where they are able to work.”


            Ishbak frowned. “You will explain gift giving to me. Most humans participate in this behaviour, so it must tie into their very nature.”

            Rika shook her head, just able to see the pale, open-mouthed expressions of Hugh, Damek and Elthia sitting behind the demon. “No, I…You came here to ask me questions?”

            “Yes. It was you who explained that my understanding of humanity was lacking, human child. So it is you who will answer my questions on it, until such a time as I come to a proper conclusion on the matter.”

            Ahisu’s grip slackened, and when she glanced at him, she saw he was staring at Ishbak, his eyes wider than she’d ever seen them. “I…okay?” Rika said, feeling more than a little dazed as her fear slowly drained away, pressed out by confusion.

            Ishbak stared at her for several seconds, then frowned. “Gift giving, human child. Explain it to me.”

            “Oh, yes,” Rika said, shifting so she sat more upright. “Well, people give each other presents because it’s a nice thing to do. Sometimes it’s for a special occasion, like someone’s birthday, or Christmas, or something. There are a few people who give presents because they expect them back, but most people do it because it feels good to be nice to someone else. To make them happy.”

            “Humans derive pleasure from the happiness of others?”

            “Umm…sometimes, yes.”

            “Who the h-” Connor’s words were cut off by a red hand pressed over his lips.

            “Shut up, mortal,” Shay hissed, his voice loud in the silence of the room. “Leave mistress to handle this.”

            Rika stared at her brother, then looked back at Ishbak, who was likewise studying the human and demon. “You still bear the chains of mortals, Shetton. Does power in this realm taste sweeter than freedom in ours?”

            Shay released Connor and bowed, his yellow eyes never leaving the completely black ones watching him. “We each walk a different path, Old One. But bear in mind, my master stands beside mistress, protects her, as do I.”

            “Hmmm…you raise a valid point, Fireborn. It would be tedious to find another human to answer as clearly as this child does.”

            Shetton bowed again as Ishbak focused back on Rika. She swallowed briefly and said “My name’s Rika.”

            The demon waved a hand. “Your name is immaterial, human child. I know your scent and can find you. Humans have no true names to be bound by, so there is no reason for me to bother with yours. You have answered my questions, though your response has only raised more. I will conduct further studies to gather information to answer them. Any more that I am unable to resolve on my own, I will bring to you. Until we speak again, human child.”

            “Uh, bye,” Rika said, giving a little half wave.

            Ishbak nodded, and a second later, the centre of the room was again a momentary whirlwind. When it cleared, the demon was gone, the only sign he’d been there was the still pale faces of Damek, Elthia, and Hugh, along with the scattered papers from the coffee table.

            It was Connor who spoke the words most of them were thinking. “Riks, why the hell was a demon here asking you questions about people?”


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