2//Smacking Weenies

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"Hello? I'm here to get ice cream!" The people were quick to shush me.

"Grumpy hoes."

I find my beautiful icecream tub and run over it knocking a kids ice cream cone but not caring. The kid was chubby, I just helped him with a diet.

I went to the register and payed for it. Oh my gosh, this heavenly beautiful hot icecream I can marry this company.

"Aye, lemme get yo number,"

"What the fu-"

"My number is 1-800-choke-that-hoe."

I run away. I'm an idiotic person, I know. Okay well, time to go ho-


Oh my gosh, gunshots. Holy-sweet-mother-of-jesus-and-jesus-of-macaroni.

I hear voices. "Get down!"

Thud, thud, thud.

Oh my gosh, footsteps coming near me. Should I run? Should I hide? Nope, too late.

I feel my Ben and Jerry's out of my hand. Hell no to the bro.

Whenever my Ben and Jerry's is gone, I kill people. Well, except my brother because he's my brother.

Well, so next thing I did was smack the unknown mans weenie.

"Fuck! Somebody get that bitch!"

"Bye hoe," I try to make a run for it. Keyword: Try.

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