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Luther pushed Chase upstairs so they could talk in private. It has become obvious that Luther does not like me and Chase tolerates me. The school never locks the gym so I can sleep there. It might be safer.

"In the latest news, a Maybee couple was found dead this evening, it appears to be a murder suicide. Their foster child appears to be missing. If you have any information on the whereabouts of Elmira Rivet please notify the authorities. Next on..." I dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" Asked a polite and professional sounding woman on the other end.

"I'm Elmira Rivet, I just saw on the news that my foster parents are dead." I heard the clicks of a keyboard.

"Ok, Elmira if you can tell me your location I'll send over an officer to collect your statement." I gave her my location. I know that along with an officer there will be a social worker to whisk me away and shove me in another home. There's always a chance it will be a nice home. A slim chance.

"Who were you talking to?" Chase asked racing down stairs to snatch the phone out of my hand.

"It was on the news so I called 911." He starred at me trying to figure out how to respond. "They're sending over an officer."

"What are you going to tell them?"

"What Luther told you to tell them. Is that ok?" There so much tension in the room that it's pushing out all the air. "And a social worker will take me to a new foster home. Problem solved. But, um there's another problem." Luther who was lingering at the top of stairs came down and joined us.

"What problem?" He and Chase sat on the couch.

"Um, well, now my dad knows for sure I'm alive..." They caught on quickly. My father will mostly come after me again. According to Luther, I can't stay here and they most likely won't be able to protect me at my new home.

They brooded until the cop and social worker came. I was right. They did most of the talking. I couldn't talk, whenever I tried just ums and uhs came out. The officer finished getting my statement.

"Um, my books are still back at the house, when can I get them?"

"Right not the house is still under investigation but I have the number of your new foster mother so I'll contact her when you can pick up your stuff," the officer informed me. The officer left. There's more than my books there, there's all the money I've saved up so I have a place to live once I'm kicked out of the system.

"Well, Mrs. Rivet, I'll be out in the car while you say your goodbyes and collect your things." Chase and Luther shook hands with the social worker and showed her the door. They did a good job playing host. Collecting my things didn't take long, they were still in the bags outside the bathroom. They saw me off too. Just leaving didn't feel right so I hugged both of them goodbye.

"Hey, call us when you get there, let us know you're safe."

My social worker is a tall awkward woman with a very little car. I laugh just thinking about her curling into herself just to get in. Because we're both extremely awkward the car rides are usually silent. I know she likes me though. I was a tough case tossed around to multiple different workers but she's stuck with me for the past five years.

When I was in eighth grade I was bouncing homes like crazy. My home

before Martin and Marcy, was full of meth-heads making meth in the basement. One of my foster brothers had bought a tattoo gun and was giving everyone tattoos. When I objected, everyone held me down while he gave me the black X I now have on my neck. A teacher at school saw it and contacted my social worker. She whisked me to Martin and Marcy for safety. I didn't tell anyone about Martin, not because I was afraid of him, which I was. Because the fear of being taken somewhere worse was overbearing. I'm no longer nervous when being taken to a new home. Claire, my social worker turned down a small narrow road that happened to be driveway. The house at the end was sweet and yellow. It took us more than thirty minutes to get here. I might not be in Maybee anymore. I might have to adjust to a new school.

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