Erwin x Sick!Levi

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Hanji's POV

I hear a knock at the door to my lab. I sigh knowing who it was, "Come in" I say looking up to see Levi. Again. "Levi. This is the 4th night don't you think you should-" He cuts me off. "Shut up, Im fine just give me the meds." I sigh grabbing the small bottle of medication I'd made for Levi when he was sick back when he was a Cadet in the scouts. He takes the bottle from me and leaves without another word. 

I've never figured out what was wrong with Levi. If he ran out of medication or forgot to take them he would have a cough, and he may have difficulty breathing. Before Isabella died she told me that Levi's mother had something like it. Its been 4 years now and I've made meds for him so he can work properly but, eventually his body with shut down. 

There is a mission tomorrow. I told Levi that I don't think he should go, but he being the stubborn person he is, decided that he will be a part of the mission. 

~TIME SKIP TO MORNING brought to you by cats~

3 person POV

Waking up Levi looks outside to be met by a dark sky. Rain, he thought to himself. Dammit. He says in a quiet whisper getting up and putting on his uniform. While doing up the belts for the 3DMG he felt a wave of nausea. He clasps a hand to his mouth running to the in suite washroom, Levi threw up not once but twice but, because he had just woken up the medication he had taken moments after getting up are now not in his body. Levi doesn't notice this and after cleaning himself off he goes along with his daily routine. 

Levi gets onto his horse as does Erwin, Eren, Petra, Eld, Oldo, Hanji. Erwin looks at Levi who was looking up at the clouds that seemed to be getting darker as time goes on. "Its going to rain." Levi says to nobody per say. Erwin hears him slowly he nods his head. "Alright!" Erwin yells. "this is a mission to capture the female titan." All the cadet nod their heads. "ALRIGHT GO!" Erwin calls. Everyone goes outside the walls to the forest. 

Not even half an hour later the rain begins. Levi could feel a slight pain in his chest as the rain begins. "Keep going!" Levi calls to the squad as he goes to the side lines. Levi began to cough. He puts a hand to his mouth coughing again, taking his hand away he looks to see red. Dammit, why now! Levi says to himself. 

Erwin and Hanji are looking for squad Levi. "ERWIN!" Hanji yells. Looking in the direction of which Hanji yelled Erwin looks in horror seeing the whole squad dead. They accounted for all deaths but one. "LEVI!" Erwin yells not caring about the obvious worry in his voice. "LEVI!please, please be alive." He says. Hanji looks at Erwin then up the path. "Erwin, isn't that?" Erwin looks to see Levi's horse. Erwin doesn't hesitate running over. He looks in between the trees spotting a small form walking towards him. "LEVI!" Erwin yells rushing towards him. "Er-win?" Levi says voice scratchy. Erwin sees Levi lose his footing. Bracing himself for the hard ground Levi falls. But, in his astonishment Erwin had been closer than he thought. "Levi. Are you hurt?" Erwin says looking over his body. Levi weakly shakes his head. Erwin brushes the few lose hairs from Levi's face putting his hand on his forehead. "He's burning up." Erwin says to Hanji who was now kneeling beside them. Coughing again Levi looks up to Eriwn. "Erwin, I need to-" Erwin puts a finger to Levi's lips "Shh, save your strength. tell me later." Levi nods his head slightly allowing himself to fall into a peaceful sleep. 

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