The Arrival

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 I parked my car near some of the other and began following the trail near the parking... area... thing. Once I had reached the end i saw Jake some blonde dude in anime glasses and somebody else in aviator glasses.

"Hey Jake!" I yelled. Jake, a blond dude and white haired dude? Pretty unusual hair color. They turned around and looked at you. The two other guys had a confused expression... or at least what you could assume was one. 

"Hey (Y/N)! Glad you made it!" Jake said while smiling, you would have never guessed he had an accent.

"Dirk, Dave, this is (Y/N). She's my friend, I was telling you two about her!" Jake seemed really excited to see you. In all honestly you were excited to see him too!

"Hey" Dave and Dirk said in unison, Dirk had the decency to smile. Dave's expression remained stoic, maybe he didn't like you?

After a few hours John showed up and begun talking to Dave almost instantly. You didn't talk to anyone but Jake for a pretty long time before everyone was becoming visibly restless and hungry. You, being you, offered to cook.

"(Y/N), you don't need to cook..." Jake said, you think he was trying to be nice and not burden you with the task of cooking for so many people, but you wanted to. All in all you're the outsider.

You walked into what you assumed was a dining hall and began to say very loudly "What do you all want for dinner?!" everyone looked at you, and you immediately regretted calling attention to yourself. 

"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?" Yelled a boy with grey skin and ...candy corn colored horns? These must have been the 'exotic folk' Jake mentioned. You thought they would just be like... ethnic humans. You felt a little like passing out, making yourself the center of attention bad move/ dummy. Jake came up behind and saved your ass, thank the sweet, icing filled, mother of twinkies you had a friend like him.

"This is (Y/N), she is an acquaintance of mine, but please do answer her question what do you all want for dinner?" Jake said in english accented speech- oh shit wait, Jake ENGLISH. HOLY SHIT GUYS YOU CRACKED THE CODE!

"PIZZA!" Dave and John yelled in unison, shooting glances at each other and mumbling, "this is why we are best bros."

"We don't have any yeast though," Jake pointed out, good point.

"HOW ABOUT LASAGNA?" The boy with the grey skin asked. Dave made a noise between a scoff and laugh.

"You and your fucking lasagna," You aren't even gonna ask.

After cooking everyone dinner you looked for a place to sit. The entire room had many tables all of different lengths, most of which where filled. You looked around beginning to become a bit nervous of the fact that all the tables had people sitting at them. You couldn't hide this time. 

"Hey! Come over here," John smiled at you and gestured for you to come sit by him, Dave and the grey skinned boy. You walked over and sat down, whilst mumbling thanks.

"Hey I don't think T ever got your name," John asked, it was slightly jarring because, DAMN, that boy talked fast.

"Oh, sorry my name's (Y/N)," You were extremely nervous, you are not well acquainted with any of these guys. You honestly wanted to hide in your cabin. 

"WELL THAT'S A DUMB A NAME," The boy with grey skin commented. What even is his name! So Mysterious.

"Daaamn Kitkat, don't be so rude, she's already spooked," Dave snapped back half assedly.

"MY NAME IS KARKAT, DOUCHMUFFIN!"  He seemed to be in perpetual  state of yelling. You giggled a bit and his creative insult.

"ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF ME?" Karkat  screamed at me. 

"N-No! Your insult was just creative, and um, funny!" you attempted to recover.

You and the boys spent the rest of the evening talking about a variety of movies, which they all ridiculed each other about, and memes. Mostly on Dave's behalf.

The Quadrangle (John x Reader x Dave x Karkat)Where stories live. Discover now