Chapter 1

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   I used to live a normal life. Just like the other normal teenagers. No, this isn't one of those stories where I discover my super natural power, or turn into a Vampire. I guess that would be cool though. But then again, I like food too much to give it up for blood. 

   So anyway, this first part is an introduction of  how I met the Prince. Nobody expected that this would happen.



"Bloody hell!" I checked on my phone again, for the thousandth times.

No text messages. "Yep, he's standing me up. Urgh! I will kill Phat!"

Phat is my bestfriend, and she thought she was a match maker when she hooked Zizat and I up. He's Nick's big brother and Phat's boyfriend.

I first met Zizat when I hung out with Phat and Nick at mall. They're Ibanese. At first I didn't think that he's good looking or anything and we didn't talk at all but I recalled smiling at him.

The next day, Phat told me that Zizat was asking for my phone number and Facebook. I told her to only give him my Facebook. So after alot of checking his profile out, I decided that he's pretty cute.

People had been staring. Especially a lot of judgement stares from the older ladies. I looked down to my clothes, I was wearing a yellow sun dress long-cut-till-knee with cute pink flip flop.

And here I was, sitting alone at a place that is peculiar for a group of individuals spending time together. I was at the Polo beach, clear, soft blue beach with calming wind. It could have been a perfect day. 

Well, not even close.

I sat there thinking, "ohh it's just my luck now isn't it..."

I remembered the first relationship I had. I was 14 years old when I first fell in love with this guy; Faiq. 

I still remember the time when I first saw him at school. He had just done with his rugby practise. He was all sweaty and his cheek was all red. Just when the sunlight fell over him, he caught my eyes. Then I looked away and began to feel uneasy.

I thought about him all day, thinking of how gorgeous he was. For the next few months I realized that he had gotten me all kinds of feelings. I had butterflies in my tummy and my heart race madly whenever I saw him. 

And that's when I had my first boyfriend...with Din. 

Turns out Faiq was head over heels in love with this other girl. So while I was moving on, Din was actually in love with me. I had the hots for him but never thought that I actually would end up with him.

We were together for 6 months. 

Here's the fucked up part. I actually thought he was madly, deeply in love with me. Because at first I completely blew him off because I was still in love with Faiq. 

But he never gave up so that actually caught my attention.  After 6 months of being together, he broke up with me. 

Turns out he's was just this immature boy with lame sweet talks that a fool like me actually digged at. 

I must have stared at the ocean a bit too long because when I came back to reality, I didn't realize that there was a Chinese boy standing infront of me. 

"Hi" He flashed his prefectly straight white teeth to me. 


He helped himself by sitting next to me.

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