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I know, I know it's been so long since the last update and I'm so sorry. TT Thank you for being patient! All the love.  Hope this makes it up for it! Sorta angst but I enjoyed writing this. TT

The next chapter is already in my drafts and I'm working on it as we speak, please anticipate the next one! :)

And yeah, do leave comments. Xoxo - Kiiesaa


"I don't mean to sound too nosy but what's wrong with Jeno?"

"What do you mean?" Mark asked through furrowed eyebrows as he closed the door that lead to the rooftop behind him, not quite understanding Jaemin's spontaneous question. The younger had texted Mark that he wanted them to meet, a few minutes after the lunch bell rang; telling him that it was urgent and Mark was quick to make up an excuse to his friends and went to meet Jaemin, not even telling Jeno about it. "What's wrong with him?"

"He's been acting very strange lately," Jaemin answered, frowned deeply as he sat down on the floor, crossed his legs. "He became dull and talks less than usual and I know that something's wrong."

After that night, when Jeno had dinner at Jaemin's house, the older had been acting weird, so strange and so unlike him. He was in a daze; his head was in the clouds. And when Jaemin asked him what was wrong as he led him to the gate, he just shook his head and denied the notion, said he was alright, and then left quietly after he bid goodbye. But Jaemin knew he wasn't, the way he left, that air of dejection as Jaemin stared at the elder's retreating back was enough as a sign of affirmation to know that something wasn't right.

Or perhaps, Jaemin was just overacting? Maybe he was. So he decided that he would give Jeno a week, that Jeno will probably get over it by then and tell him what was wrong. But it didn't. Instead, the older was ignoring him, brushed him aside and avoided him completely like a contagious plague.

Jaemin tried being optimistic, tried thinking on the brighter side; that Jeno was only doing that because he needed space, to think and gather his thoughts. But it had been a week and still no luck; Jeno was still avoiding him. Just him! Jeno acted normal around the others but when it came to Jaemin, it was a whole different story.

Everyone had their breaking point and Jaemin just reached his; enough was enough. Jaemin had enough.

"It's not really my place to talk about it," Mark said as he sat beside the younger, leaned his back casually against the wall.

"Is something going on?" Jaemin looked over the older with such a curious gaze, his fringe softly fell to his eyes. "Can I help?"

"No offence, but why do you care so much?" Mark wasn't trying to be rude, but the look Jaemin had on his face, that sense of urgency that radiated from his orbs, demanding a response, confused the older. "Why do you even care about Jeno so much?"

Jaemin blinked once, twice, thrice, digested the question in his head before he came up with a reply.

"Because I don't like it when he looks down like this. It's been a week, hyung. I'm worried. And I know you are too."

Although taken aback by how honest he sounded, Jaemin knew it was real; that he cared about Jeno, that he dreaded the thought that something awful happened to Jeno that made him act like that.

The younger's answer was something Mark had already expected.

Mark threw a glance at Jaemin's direction; the latter had his eyes downcast, biting down his lips, his hands were tightly clutching his slacks, visibly flustered— embarrassed probably. The way he fidget awkwardly made Mark smile in fond, but the latter cleared his throat audibly, brought a hand close to his mouth so the younger wouldn't see.

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