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A early Christmas gift for those who read and enjoy this. XD Thanks for sticking by us even though it takes us so long to update since we're always busy. TT We appreciate the patience. Y'all the real MVPs. ;)

Do drop comments btw! We're suckers for comments. TT Enjoy~

After all the drama and Donghyuck prying on how they met, Jeno and Jaemin became very good friends; they grew close and everyone warmed up to the idea that they would be around each other often. Jaemin and Donghyuck would hang out with them in their classroom after lunch. It had turned into their little routine; even Chenle and Winwin would join them sometimes— if Winwin wasn't too busy pestering Kun that is.

Every day at school, usually in their last class in the morning, Jeno would notice the palpable longing luminous in Mark's eyes whenever the latter stares into oblivion, brows slightly twitching for he was deep in thought. But Jeno knew that the older was just excited— excited for the lunch bell to ring, a signal that their two friends from the other class would come by and meet them and Jeno would be lying if he denied he wasn't eager to see a certain male.

"Has Ten-hyung already told you guys?" Donghyuck asked one day when they had already eaten lunch and were gathered at the back most part of the room, sprawled on the floor, chatting when Donghyuck decided to bring the topic up.


"I'm not talking to you," he snapped at Jaemin when he asked which made the latter snicker.

"Well you didn't specify who you're talking to, how was I to know that you're not talking to me?" he argued back, earning a chuckle from the others, amused by his witty reply.

"Shut up!" Donghyuck glared at all of them, feeling crossed that they were laughing right in front of his face. Talk about lack of decency. Can't they see that he was at a dilemma here?

Apparently, both had an argument beforehand and weren't actually keen about hiding it from them at all. "Well, what is it anyway?" Mark asked just in time before Donghyuck exploded— and he would prefer his day to be peaceful rather that coaxing a pissed Donghyuck— reaching for the other's shoulder, trying to get him to relax.

Feeling the elder's fingers brush faintly against his shoulder, he flinched, shrugging the elder's hand off. Mark frowned— feeling rejected— retrieved his hand before Donghyuck cleared his throat, shooing the butterflies fluttering in the pit of his stomach away. "Ehem. As I was saying, he's planning a small party. He told me a few days ago and wants everyone to come."

"A party again?" Chenle made a face, insensible of the bizarre way the older was acting around Mark. "No thanks."

Memories of the Ten's birthday party flooded Chenle's mind and his desire of going through the same misery like last time wasn't profound, thankyouverymuch. Ten's party just meant trouble for the youngest.

"It's not the usual type of party that he throws, Le. It's just a small gathering," Donghyuck further explained, "just us and the hyungs, this weekend."

"That sounds fun," Winwin commented, somehow liking the idea and turned to the youngest, urging him to go with him. "I'm in, so Le's going with."

At the sound of Chenle whining at the eldest for making decisions on his own, Mark looked over at Jeno, sanguine that the younger might sit out again just like he had on the prior parties Ten and the others had invited him to. As he felt his best friend's familiar gaze fixated on him, Jeno stared back, waited for the older to say something; the look Mark gave him made him thought so.


"How about it Jeno?" Mark prompted. "Are you gonna come or not?"

He blinked a couple of times, uncertain on how to answer the query.

Take A Chance ; JaeNo/NoMin [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now