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This is was honestly stressful to write since we had little free time but here it is. Sorry it took us so long. We've been really busy with school. TT And we apologize for some overlooked errors. This chapter is lengthy (11K words wtf) and we were too tired and too lazy to reread it. Lol. Comments are always loved! Enjoy.

The day that they were having was one of those very unusual days; their teacher had fallen sick and had taken the week off to recover, leaving the special class with no homeroom teacher, and that could only mean one thing; they were free from their first to second period classes. The heavens seem to have heard the students' prayers of the said class for exam week was coming sooner than they could imagine and they were getting busier by the day and all they wanted was to have a day off or two. They were thankful for every free period that they could get to prevent further deterioration of their brain cells from all the never ending examinations they were pressured on to pass.

To keep themselves preoccupied before their next class, four boys had gathered themselves at the back most part of the room, talking amongst each other. Their conversation ranged from the latest happenings of the series they were watching to the latest music released by their favorite artist. Everything seemed normal.

Okay... so maybe not.

Lee Jeno was his usual self.

This is what everybody will say upon interacting with him, but Mark says he's not, he knew better than to fall for the other's facade. Jeno had his typical smile plastered on his face but if one would look really closely, there was something off; something in the younger's eyes that the older had detected yet could not pinpoint what it is exactly.

This had been bothering Mark for the past three days since the party. The older can still vividly remember that dead look Jeno had on before he left the gathering. This had made Mark want to question the younger about it, to ask him what was bugging him to make him act like that, but for some paramount reason, he just couldn't find the right timing to do so. Mark tried, okay, he did. But some things weren't just working out for him. Jeno has been acting weird and Mark can't live with himself if he allowed his best friend to stay like that.

"Sup Mark? Are you alright? You seem pretty distracted."

His train of thought was interrupted when Winwin had attempted to break him out from his own world and reeled him back into reality.

Mark blinked twice, turning his attention to the older that was to his right. "Uh, sorry. I was just spacing out," he explained shortly.

Winwin looked like he was about to add something, probably to question him more on his unfamiliar behaviour but was beaten to it when they both heard Chen Le say something directed to Mark's best friend.

"Hey Jeno-hyung, I forgot to ask this, but who was it that you were talking on Ten-hyung's house's hallway at the party?" the younger asked with interest.

The question itself did not only perked up Mark's attention and although the latter found the sudden question to be quite rude, he cannot help but be thankful for what the youngest had brought up for it distracted Winwin's attention somewhere else— he doesn't know how to answer the elder's previous query. But on the other hand, it also made him curious on how Jeno would react to the interrogation; it might help Mark solve the mystery beyond that barely unnoticeable, lifeless expression hidden in Jeno's eyes.

The latter hadn't anticipated the sudden shift of interest that the other three males in front of him showed; it made him a little conscious before he managed an answer to fill their curiosity. "I, uh, didn't get his name but, uh we just bumped into each other that's why maybe we seemed like we were talking?" he stuttered with his words.

Take A Chance ; JaeNo/NoMin [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now