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we're almost at the end.. I just realized it. Lol. Anyway, please enjoy.


Jaemin was in a rush, he dashed from his building to Jeno’s in a huff, hadn’t minded bumping into innocent bystanders in his path as he ran across numerous crowded hallways. He couldn’t bring himself to care at all. He was in a hurry; he needed to see Jeno as soon as possible!

“Is Jeno here?!” Jaemin asked with urgency when he arrived at Jeno’s room. The area was filled with special class’ students and Jaemin instantly got embarrassed at his sudden outburst. He rigorously apologized for his rudeness and for interrupting them. Thankfully, the other kids paid him no mind, some gave out small chortles, and while others carried on with their tasks. They were used to seeing Jaemin in their room for the past months; he wasn’t a stranger in their eyes. Shortly after, Jaemin noticed Winwin and Chenle by their usual seats and immediately approached them. “Have you seen Jeno?” Jaemin asked again.

Although shocked at the his untimely and unannounced arrival, Chenle observed Jaemin from head to toe with a weird expression on his face. He was sweating like a pig. Did he run all the way here? Chenle thought. “His bag is still here,” Chenle answered then he turned to his older seatmate. “Ge, you got a clue?”

Winwin had been on his phone the entire time, entertaining some messages from Kun, but the moment he saw the dishevelled Jaemin enter their room, hysterical and hurried, he hid the device almost instantly. “I think he said he would go outside, to stroll around or something.”

“Why did he leave his bag behind? Aren’t you guys heading home yet?”

“We’re staying till later since we got a group project going on,” Chenle explained. “Why? Did you need something from Jeno-hyung?”

“Nothing in particular. I just—” Jaemin bit his lower lip, he was anxious, “—want to talk to him.”

Chenle saw the action but hadn’t questioned Jaemin about it, afraid that it would make the other male uncomfortable. “You could look for him outside. He’s probably in the grounds, we are still waiting for Mark-hyung anyway.”

“Okay.” Jaemin nodded his head. “Thanks, I’ll just look for him then. Anyways, I owe you one.”

“Hey Jaemin, is everything alright?” Winwin asked before Jaemin left to continue his quest on searching for the other light brown haired male. Winwin hated being a busybody and bothering other people with their own personal affairs but he had to ask; he couldn’t control the urge not to. Jeno had been strange lately, was down most of the time and Winwin was worried for his friend. Winwin didn’t like pointing fingers but he was certain to an extent that Jeno was acting weird because of Jaemin. “You and Jeno, are you two alright?”

Jaemin appeared like he was contemplating on what to say, going through various words inside his head before he settled with a simple yet meaningful, “we will be.”

Winwin was evidently pleased at the statement, and apparently, so was Chenle. “I’ll keep your word for it,” Winwin said. “Take care of Jeno for us, okay? Make him happy, he deserves it more than anyone.”

“You guys talk like as if you’re giving him away.”

“We’re just giving you our blessings as his friends, for y’know, just in case…..” Winwin shrugged his shoulders and grinned knowingly when he saw Jaemin flushed red.

“Keep in mind that even though we might be friends but if you hurt Jeno-hyung, you’re gonna get it,” Chenle threatened, but he still had a smile on his face when he said it so Jaemin wasn’t scared. “I’m not kidding, hyung.”

Take A Chance ; JaeNo/NoMin [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now