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I honestly don't know what to feel after writing this tbh. Real drama is about to go down. 

But anyway, do leave comments! Xoxo.


"Here." Jaemin had just gotten back from the kitchen after rampaging through their fridge and threw a small chocolate packet at Donghyuck which the other easily caught, thanks to his amazing reflex.

"What's this for?" Donghyuck asked, stared at the pack in between his fingers confusingly. It was KitKat, his favorite.

"Chocolate makes everything better," Jaemin explained. "Now, stop complaining or I'm taking it back."

After that rather strange fiasco at the mall, the two decided to head on home, to Jaemin's house more precisely. Since Donghyuck was still feeling quite down while on the way, Jaemin, being the kind best friend that he was, offered to let Donghyuck spend the night at Jaemin's to keep him company, until his boiling rage simmered down and was controllable again. Donghyuck had already called his mom and asked permission, Jaemin even did the liberty of letting the older borrow his clothes for the evening so he could get changed. They were just waiting to be called down for dinner; Jaemin's mom was still in the middle of cooking up something for them.

"So, care to tell me what really happened?" Jaemin sat on his bed, cross legged. He figured that Donghyuck was finally ready to open up so he asked. Besides Donghyuck mentioning Mark's name in a fit of fury, Jaemin still had no clue what went down for the other to act up like he did.

But Donghyuck hadn't answered immediately, he finished his small snack instead before he crumpled the wrapper and threw it inside Jaemin's waste basket at the side of the room then dropped himself onto the younger's bed. "You know Koeun, right?"

Jaemin tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. "Rings a bell. Sounds familiar but I can't seem to recall the name."

"You probably know her. She's the same year as us. But she moved to a different school in the middle of our first year, went abroad probably," Donghyuck continued. "She was really well known before she left. She was even friends with Mark's gang."


"She and Mark .... well, everyone thought they were together back then."

The revelation was something Jaemin hadn't expected, not at all. He raised a questioning brow at his best friend. "And you thought so too, huh?"

"Well, duh. Were you even listening? They were always together," Donghyuck said, emphasizing on his words. "Who wouldn't?"

"Oh right, I think I remember her now." If Jaemin's memory served him right then he was certain he had met that girl before if she really was a friend of Mark's. "Wasn't she friends with Hina, too? The pretty one?" Hina was a mutual friend of theirs, a classmate.

Donghyuck snorted at the term Jaemin used before he pushed himself back up to sit properly. "Yeah, that's her. The pretty one."

"Okay... but what got you so worked up earlier anyway?" Jaemin dared to ask. He still didn't get where Donghyuck was going with the conversation. "Was it because of her?"

Donghyuck bit his lower bit, he looked faintly anxious for some reason and Jaemin was confused as to why he was. "I don't know, Koeun suddenly approached us at the mall earlier and Mark's face just lit up when he saw her." He sighed. "It was insulting ... in a way. Mark never looks at me like that."

"Wow Hyuck, that's ..."

"Petty? Yeah, I know." Donghyuck laughed, but it was bitter, laced with venom and it made Jaemin shiver unconsciously. "Couldn't help it though. No matter how hard I wanted to."

Take A Chance ; JaeNo/NoMin [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now