Old Souls.

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The perks of being a weirdo? Well, we could be psychos together and fly away in the sunset,though I doubt anyone would want that.

Meet America Dawson.

A self-proclaimed comedienne who has the humor of your average banana.

In every typical story, the lead character has always been typically described as 'Not your average teen or girl'.If you think I won't describe her as that because of how mainstream it is, well, you're fabulously wrong because America Dawson is far from your average, day to day, typical girl.But aren't we all? "If God wanted us all to be the same, He'd have given us all braces on our legs."-(Mrs.Gump - Forrest Gump) So, what made America Dawson stand out from all the characters that had been written? Well, for one thing: Typically, the female character seemed to have always worked in a Cafe when in this story, America does NOT.She is an employee at a not-so popular porn shop in L.A. and that's just the beginning.

America Dawson is what modern day people call, a weirdo.She's crazy.She's the nicest asshole you'll ever meet.She's the kind of person who doesn't give a damn about a lot of things but at the same time, she's the kind to care too much.She hates everyone but she develops feelings for people easily.In other words:She's a weirdo and a walking irony.

Though despite the happy-go-lucky demeanor she gives off, she's suffering from a psychological disorder that goes by the name Dysphoria.She's not suicidal, but she's been there too many times for her or anyone's own good.It has nothing to do with what happened in her past, it has nothing to do with someone or something.She is just plain damned lonely.The worst is it's for no apparent reason.

So is Harry Styles.

Anyone who's anyone knows his name.He is what some people mistaken as the lead singer in the world famous band, when in truth, they're all just the same when it comes to everything in general.In his eyes, there's no one higher or lower than his status but in the eyes of the media, he's the stand out from the rest.He's so accused of being the first one to go solo that his management and band mates are sometimes forced to believe in such a tall tale.

He feels some of them growing cold to him.Harry has been feeling quite out of place lately and it's been adding to the depression of being away from his family and everything he's known.Fame isn't all glitz and glam, he had learned it the hard way.Once your face is out there people think they own you.Tabloids and false statements had never bothered him at first but then as he rose to stardom everything got worse.It worn him out and the once rhapsodic person has now become a mask that he wears in the outside world.It has slipped every now and then but he wore it so well that everyone was led to believe that Harry Styles is just a goofy person who chose to live rather than to exist, when in truth he's incapable of doing both.

What happens when the two meet? This is the story of two lonely old souls that has been spotted by fate.


Author's Note.

Shabam pudge faces (I'm normal, I swear.) Look who wrote a fanfic and actually published it for the first tiiiiimeeee.Yep, Me.Wasn't that obvious? It was? Oh, ok.

Whale, I've been attempting to write fanfics for so long now and I just seem to delete them after I publish it because I'm an indecisive walrus.I really hope you liked this! Oh, and feel free to vote, It's fine if you don't though, all I want you to do for me is to comment what you think.If you don't like the book please do comment some constructive criticism so I could improve my writing.If you did miraculously like it, I sure would like to hear or read thy thoughts of yers.You could follow me too if you want (Pssh, like anyone would want that.) Aaaaaand, I don't know what else to say... Let me know if I should keep on writing this cause I'm very unsure if this is good enough for everyone to see.And let me just warn you about the obscene language that my characters are going to use.America cusses a lot.So do I.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading the prologue, expect more to come I guess? And if you want a dedication, just ask! I kinda bite but I don't have rabies so don't be afraid to talk to me.

Ok then! this is extremely long isn't it? And I'm just making it longer by typing how long it is.

Welp, west side thug life! Ciao muchachos and may the odds be ever in thy favor.

"Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and most of them stink." That's why we should just stick with constructive ones.We should stick with constructive assholes... I'm normal, I swear.

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