03:And Thus Another Bird Was Flipped.

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October 25th


I shut the car engine off then just sat there to look at Nick's house, my mind still trying to come up on what sort of payment Nick owes me for this... This absurd quest he sent me on.Though all this tiring trouble was all his fault and I was dumb-well, bored enough to give into his stupid shenanigans, I didn't regret going to that place ; I must admit, this night was the most action I've had since I got off tour.Three days in staying here in L.A. had been slow... And depressing for some reason ; Every passing day that goes by always seems depressing to me.

I kinda hate myself sometimes because to me, my attitude right now is very... Ungrateful.I feel like I'm ungrateful because if anyone got in my mind and heard my thoughts they'd say "Wow, he's a millionare, his life is perfect and it doesn't seem to be enough." But the thing is, I was just... I don't know, feeling a bit alone, I guess? And tonight I felt like I wasn't so alone because I met some peculiar people who I had fun talking to, since I became famous I couldn't have a conversation with anyone without the band and our success being mentioned.It's always about, the band this, the band that, money this, girls that.

America was very fun to talk to, I felt like a normal person, I felt like I was talking to the boys I met at the X Factor house, not the boys I talk to now that we're all busy and somehow worlds apart.I only got to talk and have fun with them on the bus when all of us are bored but when it come outside of the tour, we don't have so much fun like we used to.

I'm really satisfied of how things turned out tonight, I gained real, genuine friends and all the worry and anxiety the night before was all worth it.

But I sure as hell know that Nick still owes me.Big time.

I pulled my phone out my pocket and dialed Nicks number.I could just get out the car and knock at his door for him to get it, but I'll make him walk a few feet out his house and get his thing from me just for the heck of it.

A few rings later, Nick answered and I cut to the chase and told him I was waiting outside for him to come pick up his DVD and so he did.

A few moments later, the front door opened and Nick came stumbling out ; I rolled my windows down and reached my hand out the car to beckon him to come to my side instead of getting in the passenger seat, I really didn't have time for talking on the count that I'am extremely tired.

"Harry! Thanks for getting this man," He said as soon as he reached my car.

"You're welcome, don't expect me to do this shit again ; Paps almost caught me there." I notify him then hand him his oh so important package.

"Yeah, well, I already have something to make it up to you, I set you up for a dinner date tomorrow night with a beautiful babe.Hint, she's Kim K's sis." He winked.

I widen my eyes in disbelief, I didn't think he was serious about setting me up with that girl.Sure, she's attractive and I might've stared a minute or two at her but that doesn't mean I would actually want a date with her... I think.

And she's freakin' famous, I don't think that would help my laying low very much.I don't even know what I would say to her, He can't just go around setting me up on dates with people without my knowledge.

"No, I'm not going on a dinner date with her."I stated simply then took my lower lip between my thumb and index finger absent mindedly..

"Oh, C'mon! she already said yes, it would be rude to just cancel, you know?"

"Well, you know what's rude? You setting me up on dates without hearing my say so first." I rolled my eyes then ran my hand through my hair, which I noticed was covered in a beanie.A bright, neon green beanie.

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