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Hello!! And welcome to my story!! Before we get into the story I thought we could start off with a little tour of the Universe I've created thus far. This section may be updated throughout the book as things change or if I come up with new facts that I have yet to think of.

To begin there is both the Underworld and the Upperworld.

The Upperworld:

The Upperworld is the ordinary world where Ordane Humans exist and the underworld beings a but a myth. Ordane Humans are average human beings with blood pure; here meaning that it lacks magic or other being DNA.

The Underworld:

The Underworld contains many different species and even some sub-species. This world functions with many different political systems as each species has their own way of living. The main system for the world as a whole is that each species has a representative being or group and all of the representatives get together to make any major all inclusive decisions.

Shapeshifters: This species is able to change into humans at will from the age of 3. At 3 years old they will spend the year as a human learning to speak and walk all over again. Most sub-species are docile and non-violent as well as removed from politics. Meaning this species has no representatives in the main system due to laws around their animalistic existence. However the wolves are often overly violent and overly-involved in politics. The wolves are often threatening the governement as they try to change the rights held by Shapeshifters. Ocasionaly the wolves are considered terrorists. Sub-species are; Wolves; recognized when in human shape by a small paw print on their left cheekbone(may vary in color), Rabbits; recognized in human form by a small horizontal paw print on each cheekbone most often Grey occasionally soft pink ( toes point away from nose), Deer; recognized in human form by fluorescent green antler shaped marking along each of their cheekbones, and Foxes; recognized in human form by a small paw print on their right cheekbone (may vary in color). Rabbits are known as the most docile. They hate violence and confrontation unless it is to protect their own. Easily and often used and abused.

Pirate Folk: This species is made up of long dead dead pirates from the Upperworld's Elizabethan era. The Pirate Folk are all pirates whom were lost at sea. The only tell-tale signs of their previous death are their ghastly pale faces and sunken eyes, compiled with occasional blood stains and bullet or sword holes. This species finds themselves finds themselves dead once more only if they are killed in the same manner they died; for most this means drowning. Unlike most species they do not have Underworld made traditional clothing. Their traditional clothing constits of the clothes in which they were lost. The Pirate Folk make up the smallest species, as the Elizabethan era was when pirates became less common. They are dying species compiled of just two to three hundred dead-living members.

Maduses: This species is made up of humanoid beings whose hair is made of one of two distinct un-hairlike things. Growing naturally the two sub-species are divided by their hair; either snakes or eyeballs. Snakes: this sub-species makes up 80% of the population. They are seen as lower and weaker than the Eyes. The snakes grow by the tails and hang downwards by the tip of their tails. Eyes: the rarer sub-species. their hair is made of eyes dangling by the 6 extraoccular muscles. This species is born either blind or eyeless. They are seen as wiser and make up the higher class of Maduses.

Fire Elves: This Species is made up of tall slender elves with short pointed ears, firery hair and a range of facial markings. The facial markings vary in design and color, being the elitists they are these markings are used as a form of social class determinant. Those with yellow facial markings are seen as the lower class, Orange makes up the middle class, Red is upper-middle class and finally those with black markings are upper class or royalty. The markings can be anywhere on the face but each elf has at least 4 lines in their color along the bridge of their nose. For royalty it isn't always purely black lines the highest of power have one line of each color. Their traditional clothing is the same with the exception of the vest which changes color based on rank.

Fire Nymphs: For the last hundred years they have been extinct due to a war with the Fire Elves. The Fire Elves had believed themselves to be far superior to the nymphs that when the nymphs finally voiced how they felt about being lower the Fire Elves began a war killing them all.

Water Elves/Nymphs: This Grouping is made up of two seperate species as they are a group of unity and consider themselves all brethren whether elf or nymph. They all have unique facial markings vary in tones of blue including snow white. The color represents that persons main power whether it be snow(white), ice(pale blue), water(normal blue) or mist(dark blue). The elves as always are tall and slender with pointed ears and their hair is often blond or black. The nymphs however do not have specific features their bodies vary in shape and size. However it can be difficult for them to live far from bodies of water whether natural or unnatural.

Forest Elves: Like the rest their brethren they are tall and slender however their ears are much longer than the rest and their hair is always some shade of brown. While they do have a green thumb and are good with nature they do not have any sort of power over nature. They live in the forests in union but not always as equals.

Forest Nymphs: This species is made up of beings that are spirits from the trees they cannot travel far from forests but they can use trees to travel from one forest to another or even from a forest to an urban tree. Like Water Nymphs they do not have a specific body shape.

Satyr: This species is half-human half-goat. Below their waist they are goats, above the waist they are human other than a pair of horns atop their heads. They are known for their musical skills and make up many of the Underworlds musical stars. unlike many species they rarely have political issues to be delt with and there is no direct ranking amongst them.

Vampires: They are but your average traditional Vampire; immortal, bloodsucking, sun-hating monsters. When they visit the Upperworld they can only travel at night as its Sun is stronger and burns them to dust. They are fairly easy to kill needing only a wooden stake to the heart. As for their bloodsucking tendencies they require the blood to keep their bodies properly functioning. Their favorite blood to consume is that of Ordane Humans but they will often settle for that of lesser species such as Shapeshifters or Pirate Folk as they were once Ordane Humans. Unlike in myths they cannot turn others Vampires are born just like everyone else. However after the age of 20 they slowly stop ageing.

Witches: This species is made up of humans born with magic. They are from the Upperworld and sometimes live in the Underworld. This species is surrounded by the mystery of the magic's origin as well as death. Every Witch causes at least one death in their lifetime and very few are known for being kind and even fewer are truly kind. Despite being the species known for magic all other Underworld species have the ability to use it and most dabble at least dabble in it.

Witch Doctors: This is not a species but in fact a group of beings with magic who study and practice Healing Magic. Healing Magic is not as innocent as it may sound. It is a form of magic that covers any spell or potions regarding health; good or bad. Witch Doctors while often helping others with healing still cause plenty of death sometimes accidental, sometimes not.

Augerian Council: This council is the main governing force of the Underworld. It has representatives from all species but the Shapeshifters due to laws removing their right for a position. They make laws for the Underworld as a whole while each species has the ability to create their own laws inside their territories, Outside of them they all abide by the council's laws.

Enjoy the story!!!

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