Promise-Jhope Angst pt1

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'I'm tired for being your second choice...'
You woke up early in the morning just to see yourself laying on the couch. You sigh. 'He didn't come home last night. He broke his promise...again.' you thought.

You were prepared the dinner for you and Hoseok that night. It has been a long time for you to eat a dinner with him. Finally that night you could make it. While you were setting the table suddenly Hoseok's phone rang. He picked up the call. As soon as he picked up the call, he said the name that would make you felt uneasy.

"Hello. Eo, Areum ah. Why you called me?" You could tell that he was smiling just hear the way he talked with her. Of course he was happy. She was his friend that he was in love with. You just rolled your eyes. She always call him to make him go to her and left you alone. Sometimes she will call him late at night and make him stay at her place till the next day.

"What? Your car broke down? Okay...wait there. I'll come now." As you expected, he will leave again whenever she called him.

"Erm...y/n." He called you a bit hesisted just heard the way he called your name. Knowing what he would say next. "Areum's car broke down. So I'm going to help her."

"Just go. She needs you right?" You give him you warm smile just don't want to make him felt guilty. He looked at you a bit guilty.

"I'm sorry y/n ah. I can't dinner with you tonight. Are you okay with it?" You nodded weakly.

"Yeah..I'm fine. I guess" he then go towards you and packed you on the forehead.

" I promise I will come back as soon as possible.  So we could eat together." He smiled

" okay..I'll wait for you" he then go towards the door. Before he open it, you called him. You give him an umbrella.

" it was raining outside. I dont want you to get sick."

"thanks". He grab his car keys and walked out through the door.

You looked after him and when his figure dissappear,  you close the door and sank down on the floor.

Gone. He left for that women again. How long is he going to make her as his first priorities? You wonder what you even mean to him? Will he going to realize how much he hurt you and that witch just want his money?

You felt lonely, the food on the table get cold. You already lost you appetite when she called him . Not even sure if he cared about you more than her. Yeah, of course it was not the first time he left you alone like this. But it still hurt you just like the first time she called him in the middle of your date with him and he had to excuse himself from your date and rushed went to her. Not caring about how you were going to get home.
You knew he still in love with her even though he was with you. Who wouldn't fall for her? Areun was a top actor with an innocent face but had a killer body that will make all men legs goes weak with her sexy body yet an innocent attitude- just like his ideal type.

Thinking back about the past when Hoseok were in love with her,you couldn't do anything but to stay with him when she was break his heart with a rumors she was dating with another actor. He was so hurt that time until one day you couldn't take it anymore. You heal his heart and stay by his side till now. You have seen him at worst stated, but did you ever leave him? No. Never!


Because you love him and care about him more than yourself. His members call you selfless for not thinking about your own feelings. His members, your best friends ask you why you're so weak and why he treat his friend like a girlfriend and treat his girlfriend like a friend. You're always denied it and said that he was the best boyfriend ever and that he loved and cared for you more than anything.

But you knew it to well and his member did knew it well too that it wasn't true at all. They eyed both you whenever you come to their practice room bring food for them and they noticed Hoseok always with his phone, completely ignore you even though you were there.

That night you were waiting for him.

1hour pass but you still wait for him

Two hours leter..
You wait him

4hours leter..
You wait for him till you didn't even realise you fell asleep on the couch.

             ~End of flashback~

You sigh looked up at the ceiling and tried to keep the tears inside. Sometimes you thought, were you going to give up on him after all these years loving him? Loving him while he was in love with her? Were you so selfish enough to keep him for yourself? Was it worth it to keep this relationship while his mind keep wandering about her? Is it the time you have to let him go? To let him find his happiness? should. You should let him do what he want.

You get off from the couch. You go to your shared bedroom and took out a suitcase and started to pack all you belongings. You still had a little hope he coming home. But you know it to well, he will come back after the sun raising. You quickly pack your belongings and take a shower. You want to leave as soon as possible. You dont want to bump into him.

After you were done dressing, you go to the table at the kitchen and sat down. You took out a pen and paper. You start to write down all your emotions. You try so hard not to let your tears fall but you failed. After you done writing, you stick the paper on the fridge. You then called Yoongi to ask for help. Well, you only tell Yoongi all your problems so thats why you ask a help from him. He seems like a trustworthy person.

"Hello? Y/n? Why are you calling me this early?" You can hear his husky voice. He have just wake up from his sleep. You giggle a little bit.' Aigoo...sleepyhead'. You thought.

"Sorry for disturbing your peaceful sleep..but I need your help now."

"Help? What is it?"

"Send me to the station bus. I want to go to my hometown." There was a silence for awhile before you start to talk with him again.

"I can't lived here anymore." Tears start to form in the corner of your eyes.

"Why? Is something wrong? Why you wanna leave so sudden?" Yoongi quickly get off from his bed, ready to go to you.

"Im leaving. I'll leave him." Your voice cracked. You tried so hard to hold your tears but you can't. You can't help to let your tears falling to your cheeks. You feel so weak right now. Hearing your sob, Yoongi knew who's fault is it. He clenched his fist hold his anger.

"What he do this time?" You can tell  he was greeth his teeth just hearing his annoyance tone.

"Nothing. I fanilly realize I dhould let him go." You wiped away your tears before you start to talk again.

"You wanna help or not Min Yoongi? If no, then I go by myself."

"I will. Wait okay? I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Okay.." then you hung up the call.

You glance to your shared apartments for the last time. Your tears falling again and then you wiped it away. You opened the door and walked out with your suitcase. It was still raining even though it was already morning. But you couldn't regret it now. So you walked away, leaving. Letting him go without looking back.

Fuhhh finally im able to end Hoseok angst pt1. Sorry for any grammar error or typos. Im still a newbie. Pls dont kill me. If you found this story or my previous story similiar to another was just a coincidence.  This story was fresh from my brainㅋㅋㅋㅋ. Anw..pls vote and comments.

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