Let Me Know-Suga Angst Pt.1 [EDITED]

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"Once I'm gone, I'll let you know the truth."
[Yoongi's POV]

I couldn't believe my eyes right now. I can't believe what I saw just now. I saw a man hug y/n from outside the cafe where I am right now. After walk out from the airport, I decide to stop at the cafe near our house before going back home. I was on a tour before, so I should be home by tomorrow but because I miss her so much, I ask our manager if I can back home early, and gladly he's fine with it. I am planning to surprise her so I didn't tell her I'm back one day early but look, here I am sitting inside the cafe, looking at her getting a hug by a man I never met.

Why? Why is she in his arm but not me? Why is he got a hold her hands but not me? Why? Why is that man doing what I should do? I am the one who should hug her like that. I am the one who should hold her hands like that, but what is she doing with that man? What is she's doing behind my back when I'm far away? Did she cheating behind me.? I can feel my anger raising and decide to find the answer of all the question that linger in my mind.

I pulled out my cell phone from my pocket and called her. I waiting her to answer my call and finally she pick up after a few ring.

"hello? Yoongi ah! " she answered, sounds very happy and excited.

" Eo, Y/N ah. What are you doing right now? " I ask her pretend to be innocent while I know everything she's doing right now. I saw her face was hesitate to answer my question.

" I.. I was at my work place , still working. Why?"

At work place huh? Working? Working my ass! What a great lie she's making.

"Uh, no... Nothing. Just wonder what you're doing right now."


"but y/n ah, why are you still working? Shouldn't you'll be home by now? It's already 6 at Korea. "

" oh I was about to go home but suddenly I remember I need to settle something before going home." I just let out an 'ouh' as my answer.

"mmmm..yoongi ah, I need to go now. Bye." the call ended before I can bid her goodbye. She just ended it like that? Does she even care about me now? She does not love me anymore? Then I saw they're about to drove away, so I quickly took a few photo of them as prove that she's cheating behind me. She's really betrayed me. I trust her, but this is what I get after I pull all the trust on her by betraying me? Don't you love me anymore y/n?

I stand up from my sit and decide to go home. I want to confront with her tonight. I need to know the answers to all of my questions. I want her to let me know all her feelings towards me.
🏢at their apartment🏢

"we arrived!" a man beside me exclaim that we're arrived at our destination. I look out at the window just to see a very tall building. It's our house. Yoongi and me. I open the seatbelt and look at the said man.

"Thanks for today Dr. Kim. "I smiled at him. Actually, he was my doctor. Recently I felt something wrong with me. So I decide to go to the hospital, check if there something wrong with me, and too bad, there was really something wrong with me. After he check me, he found out that there's a tumours in my brain, stage three. He said I only have 6 month to be alive. No wonder I easily get a fever and got a headache a lot too. I don't know how to tell yoongi about this. I'm scared to tell him. I don't want him to be sad and worried about me.

"you're welcome. Remember to take your medicine."

"Ne,Dr.Kim. Then I'll get going first. You can go now. Bye. " I bid my goodbye to him. I walked towards the elevator and going up to our house.

I open the door of my house and turned on the light. Once the light lit up the whole living room, I scream when I see the figure (yoongi) seating on the couch while crossing his arm on his chest.


"nothing, just felt want to sit in the dark." he said while wearing his usually poker face, still crossing his arm up to his chest. I nod but suddenly I remembered something. Shouldn't he be home by tomorrow? Why is he here now? I got curious, so I asked him.

"Wait!! Shouldn't you be home by tomorrow? Also, why you didn't tell me you're arrived? I can pick you from the airport. "

" ouh..about that, actually I want to surprise you but I am the one who got surprised instead." I felt confused when he say like that. I can hear the sarcasm in his statement.

"what do you mean? I don't understand." his smirk made me  even confuse. Why is he so cold towards me tonight? Shouldn't he be happy he got home early? He got to see me,spend time with me?

"Just drop all you act Y/F/N! (Your Full Name) I know everything." my brows knitted together, become more confuse.

" I'll just straight to the point. " he pulled out his cell phone and show me some picture. I got shocked when I see the picture, it was the picture of me and Dr. Kim. In that picture it's look like Dr. Kim was hugging me while the truth is he got me when I was about to pass out. Now I understand what he say. What he mean by he got surprised instead.

" you know, you can just let me know if you don't feel the same way as I am anymore, you don't love me anymore, you don't want to be with me anymore! Didn't we promised to not hide anything? BUT WHY?!! why you must cheat behind me? Why you make me look like a stupid man? WHY? You can just let me fucking know everything including this!! " I can feel there's tears at the verge of my eyes when he start screaming at me, but I quickly wipe it away. I see this is the opportunity to make yoongi forget about me.

" yes, that's true. I don't love you anymore. I don't want to be with you anymore." No, I love you Yoongi and I want to be with you forever.

"you know what? I hate you for treat me like this, treat me like a crap! You can go to him. I let you go Y/F/N. We are over. " I watched him walk out through the door. I sank down on the floor, crying out my hunted heart. This is feel so wrong. Shouldn't I be great now? Because I don't need to find a way to explain to him and just die peacefully, but why? Why this is feel so wrong? It's like I need to let him know everything.

"I'm sorry Yoongi, I need to do this. I didn't cheat on you but I'll just let you think that way. Once I'm gone, I'll let you know the truth. " I whisper to myself while still looking at the closed door.
Hello~I'm back with a new update. Hope you guys like this, because I feel like I ruined everything😩😩😩anyways please vote and some comments😉😉😉


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