Just Go Without Me

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"So what all are you interested in?" I asked "Well I like watching scary movies and I like softball" Annabelle answered. "Oh okay do you like playing Barbies and dress up?" I asked "Barbies and dress up? I'm not 2 anymore" Annabelle screamed. "Oh I'm sorry I never liked that stuff when I was your age either but I was just wondering I wasn't trying to make anyone mad" I said. "It's okay I just get mad sometimes very easily." Annabelle said. "Okay" I said. Well maybe this isn't going to be as bad as I thought. I thought she was gonna be a little brat but it turns out she's kinda like me tomboy-ish and not very girly. But about the scary movies, a six year old probably shouldn't watch a scary movie without her parents being here. Ding ding there went a text message.

Cade: Hey what are you wearing to the party

Me: Cade I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you that I can't come I'm babysitting for one of my moms friends

Cade: Oh well that sucks

Me: But you'll still have fun without me

Cade: you know I'm not gonna go without you right

Me: No you go and have fun with your friends we can get together another night

Cade: ok if you say so 😏

What did he mean by "if you say so 😏" what was that emoji for. Oh no is he gonna break up with me! No no no this can't happen I have to go! Wait but I can't I already promised there parents and I'm already here I can't leave now. Uhhhhhhh this sucks! Hopefully that's not what he was thinking and he'll go have fun with his friends at the party.

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