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I decided not to do any goals anymore, but more of an update schedule:

Monday: Wolves

Wednesday: Kitten Boy

Friday: Beg for Mercy

Sunday: Home

But if the amount of votes/comments is going down drastically, then I will go back to the goals, because there are so many people reading my stories, but only a few vote and comment, but this are things that keep me motivated, so please do vote and comment, because that means a lot to me and will keep me motivated which means more updates!

Liam sighed and stood up. He knew that Louis and Harry were right and he had to get his soulmate before one of the other packs would get him. As soon as he had left the den, he changed into his wolf form. He was a beautiful brown coloured wolf who was much bigger than an average wolf. He sniffed on the ground, until he found the track of Niall's smell. He followed it and it didn't take him long to find Niall again.

He was crouched beside the small river and was drinking a few gulps. He shortly looked up, before he ignored the wolf. He knew it was Liam, he had recognised the smell immediately, but he didn't want to talk to the rude alpha. But Liam just moved closer to the omega and Niall snapped. "What the fuck do you want now? Sorry that I didn't leave fast enough, but I'm still dizzy. But I'm going now, no need to throw me out of your territory." Liam understood him and moved closer to Niall until he was right in front of him. He nudged the omega and softly pawed at his bent knees. Niall looked at the wolf weirdly. "What do you want?"

When Liam realised that Niall couldn't understand him, he changed back into his human form. Bones were cracking and the fur was retreating, until Liam stood before Niall in his naked glory again. Niall gulped, because with him kneeing on the ground, Liam's dick was more or less right in front of his face and when he realised that, he stood up immediately. Liam who realised the problem, chuckled lowly and grinned at Niall. But when he saw the omega blushing, he decided that he had more important things to talk about.

"I'm sorry for telling you to leave, it was wrong of me. But we aren't used to people, who don't know about our traditions, but we are willing to learn. You will have a free choice, when and who you will mate, we don't care. We will accept that, but you need to accept our traditions, because you will see many things that will disturb you." Liam explained. "Here, people are getting mated, as soon as the omega hits their first heat and they will be impregnated as well. Most of them are fourteen when they hit their first heat." "Fourteen?" Niall asked in disbelief. "You aren't joking?" Liam shook his head. Niall wanted to say something about how that was illegal in his world, but he didn't want to say anything bad again, because he knew that he wouldn't survive on his own here.

"Wow", Niall said, because he was still shocked about the fact that people were getting mated so soon here. They were children themselves still! "You need to understand, that we have completely different believes and traditions here. All the omegas are just waiting for their first heat, because they want to get an alpha and pups. It's what they live for. Alphas and betas are hunting and omegas are taking care of the children. It's how it works here." Niall bit his lips. "That's very different to how I grew up. In my world, there are many jobs, like baker, florist or cashier, there are hundredths of different jobs. And everyone can work in every job, it's not divided into the second gender of us. We don't really care about our second gender anymore, we try to forget about it, more or less. Nobody is discriminated against because of it." Niall explained. "In our world, alpha, beta or omega pairings aren't rare anymore and they still can have children, they adopt it or find a surrogate. We don't live like you anymore and it's strange for me, that here people are mating so soon here. In my world, you either mate at 18 or up, some pairs only mate when they are 40 and are sure that they are right for each other."

Liam listened intently and when Niall finished he nodded. "I understand, that it may be strange to you and I'm glad you explained to me, how it works in your world, it helps me understand. We must seem really ancient to you, because we still have a distribution of roles unlike you." Niall nodded: "Yes, you do, but it's not bad. But like I said, I need time to get used to it." Liam accepted that, before he offered to go back to the pack. Niall agreed and together they walked back to the pack. But instead of going back to Louis' and Harry's den, Liam led Niall to another – bigger – one. "This is the omega den, here live all the unbonded omegas, who are waiting for their heat." When they entered the den, they were immediately surrounded by a few omegas. One caught Niall's eye immediately. It was a girl around 15 or 16, with dark brown hair and brown eyes as well, who immediately grabbed Liam's arm. "Hey alpha, I can feel my heat coming up. I can't wait to be mated to you." Liam cringed, when he heard Sophia talking and he knew that Niall had heard, when he saw the omega turn away from him. "That's nice, Sophia, but I need to talk to you about the mating tonight, okay?"

Sophia was a bit confused, but she was excited to have some alone time with her future alpha. She had been trained from a young age, how to act like the perfect omega, because when she was barely 5 years old, the oracle had chosen her to be the mate of Liam and she was ecstatic. "Come to my den when the sun has gone down." Liam said, before he turned around and went over to Niall, who was talking animatedly to a red-haired boy called Ed, who was 14 years old. Liam smiled, when he heard Ed ask many questions, especially about the clothes Niall was wearing.

"Why are you wearing that?" "Because it's normal, where I am from." "But it's odd, get out of it." "But I'm not comfortable with that." Ed pouted at Niall and the blonde sighed. "Would you be happy, if I would undress?" Ed nodded eagerly and Niall looked around and he saw Liam staring at him. He also knew that Liam had heard him, but with Ed pouting at him like that, Niall just thought, fuck it. He took his shorts off and he could hear a deep intake of breath from across the room. Niall smirked and shoot a small wink at Liam, before he turned around again to talk to Ed again, but before he could open his mouth, he was engulfed into Liam's arms. "You are a cheeky bastard." Liam mumbled into the blonde's eyes and Ed watched the scene unfold before him with interest. Niall just grinned at Liam. He was a bit uncomfortable, because it was strange for him to be naked, but his shorts wouldn't work forever and he wanted to get used to it rather sooner than later.

Liam took hold of Niall and the blonde looked at him confused, but Liam just mumbled. "Let's get back to mine", before he bid farewell to the other omegas. Everyone seemed happy and content, but there was one pair of eyes that were ablaze with jealousy.

"Nobody is taking my mate from me", she mumbled and glared at the retreating back of Liam, who had the blonde in his arms. "I will make sure of that."

Wolves [Niam] - Alpha/OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now