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QOTD 1: which is your favorite song of Niall'album Flicker?
Answer 1: On the loose, Mirrors and The Tide, can't really decide because this album is fucking amazing
♥️♥️♥️♥️ Have been listening to it all night instead of sleeping and now I'm tired af.
QOTD 2: Do you like Liam's new single?
Answer 2: Love it. 😍😍

[goal: 25 votes and 15 comments]

Warning: Minor Character Death

During the next few days, Niall refused to eat and talk. Liam always tried to get him to speak, but Niall would just turn around and stare at the wall of the den or walk away, from anyone trying to approach him. He was losing weight drastically and everyone was worried about their pack's luna. But nobody knew what they should do to make the omega feel better, because nobody really understood where he was coming from, but they were all forgetting someone. One wolf, who had lost their kids shortly after they were born and didn't have any pups until now, even though they had been mated for years.

So one evening, when Liam was still out to hunt, alongside with Harry and a few other wolves, Louis went to the pack's alpha den and slipped inside, trying to be as quiet as possible. When he saw, that Niall was still awake, he slowly moved over to the rugs, Niall was sitting on. "Niall, can I please tell you something?" Niall bit his lip, but nodded. "I was already a mummy..." Louis began to talk and at those words, Niall looked up at him in shock, but Louis was staring right ahead, tears in his eyes. "But they were born during a really hard winter and we barely had any food, so we had to save as much as possible. Because of that I was heavily underweighted and couldn't provide my pups with the necessary vitamins. But they were still alive, so we didn't worry too much, because their heartbeat was strong. But when they were born", Louis stopped, letting out a sob. "They died a few days later, because I couldn't provide properly for them and it was too cold and with me being underweighted I could barely keep myself warm. Harry was out with the others, trying to hunt something, so he couldn't be there for the pups. When he returned, they had already died and he found me sobbing in the den, still holding my pups."

Louis was full on sobbing now, but when Niall tried to speak, he said. "Don't apologize, it wasn't your fault, but don't throw their life away. Even when you are not ready yet, you don't want to be the reason why your pups didn't survive. It has been 4 years now and I'm still not ready to try again, even though I should already have my second or third litter at my age." Niall bit his lip. He still wasn't too happy about being pregnant, but he realised where Louis was coming from. He mentioned with his arms for Louis to hug him and Louis threw himself into the other omega's arms and began to sob into Niall's neck. "I still miss them so much. Even if you don't want the pups, don't let them die, we would surely find somebody to raise them." Niall nodded and after Louis had calmed down, they both fell asleep hugging each other tightly.

That's how Liam and Harry found them later and they were both happy, that Niall had opened up, hoping it would get better from now on. Because they didn't want to disturb the omegas, they both shifted into the wolf form and curled up beside each other. They didn't necessarily need rugs, because they had an immense body heat in their wolf form, keeping them really warm.

Louis was the first one to wake up and he sawthe alphas curled up beside each other, smiling lightly because he was gladthat Harry and Liam were friends again, because when Louis had lost the pups,Liam and Harry got into a big fight, which ended in them not talking for nearlythree years, until Liam's father had died and Liam had to look for a pack beta.And since the only person he could trust, was his childhood best friend Harry,the curly haired boy was becoming the pack beta and so they had to speak again,but only since Niall had appeared, where they friends again and especially thelast few days had strengthen their friendship a lot again, because now Liamcould understand the fear of losing his pups.

Liam was the next one to wake up and when he saw that Louis was awake, heshifted back into his human form. "Morning Lou." "Morning, alpha." "Did you twotalk?" Liam asked curiously and Louis nodded. "We did and I hope he will takemore care of himself and the pups now." Liam nodded and smiled sadly. "I knowhow hard it is for you to talk about your pups, so thank you. I just hope aswell, that maybe it changed his mind." Louis nodded and that was the end of theconversation. Shortly after, Harry and Niall woke up again and for the firsttime in a few days, Niall smiled again and asked shyly for something to eat.Before he could even finish, Louis had already rushed out, getting the freshlyhunted meat and began to cook it for Niall, so that he could eat in human form,since he still hadn't learned how to shift. But they all knew that he had tolearn as soon as he was at a healthy weight again and before he was toopregnant, because the first few shifts were always a bit painful, when somebodyhadn't shifted in a few years.

Louis came back with the food and they all ate in silence, everyone watchingNiall, how he was slowly eating something, which was more than the last few daysand everyone let out a small sigh in relief. After they had finished, Louis andHarry left the den, leaving Niall and Liam alone. They sat in silence, Niallbiting his lip, before speaking up: "I'm still not keen on having pups, butspeaking to Louis made me realise that they should not suffer because of me."

"That's so great, Niall. You're gonna make a wonderfuly mother for our pups."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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