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I get to see Niall in May 2018!!! I got a ticket for his show in Munich and I'm so excited! All shows in Germany were sold out in less than 8 minutes and I'm so happy I got a ticket!!!!

QOTD: Did anybody of you already go to one of his concert or has tickets for one of his shows?

[goal: 25 votes and 15 comments]

In the following weeks Niall got to know the pack better and he befriended a few omegas, especially the 14-year-old Ed, who introduced him to another omega, a girl called Cynthia. Cynthia was 15 years old and was already mated and pregnant, which Niall still found a bit overwhelming. But he had never met such a sweetheart before and he was happy to just sit with her and Ed and to talk to them, while Liam was doing the things he was required to do as a pack alpha.
As soon as Liam was back, they would do something together like going for a walk or just cuddling together in the den.

But one day Niall didn't feel like going to the omega den, where he was supposed to meet Ed and Cynthia, because he felt a bit nauseous and dizzy, when he woke up. Liam had already gone to work, so Niall just kept laying on the rugs, hoping the nauseous feeling would subside very soon. He didn't want to get sick here, not really fond of needing someone to take care of him. He slowly sat up, but as soon as he did, he threw up beside the rugs, his stomach churning uncomfortable while his throat was burning. Tears sprung to Niall's eyes because of the pain and he immediately laid down again, not even bothered by the smell of his vomit.

He just wanted to fall back asleep, hoping that he would feel better again, when he woke up once more. But he didn't get any peace, because Karen came into the den and when he saw the vomit and a pale looking Niall, she immediately rushed over to him. "How are you feeling?" she asked and sat down beside Niall. Niall shrugged his shoulders. "I'm feeling nauseous and my stomach is churning and I just want to sleep." Karen had a knowing smile on her face, but Niall didn't see it, because he had turned his head away.

Karen smelled the air and the sweet smell of the omega was even sweeter than normally, which only ever happened when an omega was about to go in heat or when he was pregnant and with the symptoms Niall was showing, it only could be the later and Karen was more than just a bit excited! She was going to be a grandmother! "Well Niall, you wanna know what's wrong?" She asked him softly and the boy crunched up his face. "How do you know what's wrong with me?" He asked and Karen just kept smiling. "Well, your smell changed." "And?" He asked and looked up at Karen.

"You're pregnant!" Karen squealed, just so happy to finally get grandchildren, but Niall didn't share her enthusiasm. "What? No,no,no, I can't be pregnant!" Niall said in panic. Karen looked at him confused. "And why?" she asked surprised. "Because I'm too young! I don't want children yet and I don't care what customs you have, but I'm not ready yet! I didn't plan on having children until I'm at least in my mid-twenties! I want the pup gone!" The more he talked the louder his voice got and in the end he was screaming.

But before Karen could say something, a new voice was heard. "The pup will stay!" Liam's voice boomed through the den and Niall cowered away. "No, I don't want a pup yet, so get it out of me! I'm not ready! I don't want kids!" Niall began to sob. Not only was he stranded on some weird island and mated but he was now also pregnant! As if the first thing hadn't already ruined his life, now he was just going to end up as stay-at-home mother for his pup and he didn't want that.

Liam and Karen exchanged worried looks. Never had they dealt with an omega before who didn't want pups, it was always the opposite. Omegas were born to raise pups as soon as they hit their first heat and normally even the reluctant omegas, were more than happy as soon as they found out they were pregnant and going to be a mummy.

"Get it out, get it out, ..." Niall was chanting these three words over and over and began to scratch at his arms, just hoping to wake up from this nightmare. His arms were covered in blood where he had torn open his skins with his nails. Liam bit his lip and slowly walked over to Niall, sitting down beside him, but Niall cowered away even more and flinched, when Liam tried to touch him. "Get this thing out of me! I can't be a mom!" Niall cried. "It's going to ruin my life!" Liam was shocked. Never had he seen an omega having such a bad reaction to the news of being pregnant and in a way he was hurt that Niall could talk so easily about killing their pups.

"Why is a child going to ruin your life?" Liam asked softly, keeping a bit of distance to Niall not wanting to distress him even more. "I'm not ready yet! I never planned to have children until I'm at least in my mid-twenties! I'm still a child myself in a way!" He cried, but Liam looked at him confused. "But you're 17?" He asked to confirm it. Niall nodded and sniffled. "I am, but back in my world, I would still be at school, living at home, having nothing to worry about beside school work. When I see the omegas here at this age, they already have pups and are taking care of the household, so I feel like a child, because I'm not ready to do all of that. I was never raised like your omegas are. I want to enjoy my life – as much as I can here- and I don't want that ruined by a child. Please help me get rid of this baby, I can't. Not yet. I'm not over the fact yet, that I will never see my parents and my friends again, it hurts me every second of the day, I need to focus on myself first!" Niall pleaded, but when he looked up at Liam and saw the face the alpha was wearing on his face, he knew, that he wouldn't get any help from him.

But he knew for sure, that he couldn't keep his pups.

So not a really happy chapter, but every fan fiction I've read in the a/b/o fandom so far, always went the same: The omega being relucant about getting pregnant or even hating kids, but as soon as they are pregnant, they are completely fine with it. So I want to change that, so don't expect a happy pregnancy, because the next chapters will contain depression, self harm, suicide attempts and other things.

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