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Even though the goal has not been reached yet, I still wanted to update!

If you read my others stories: Which one would you like to be updated next? [Kitten Boy, Beg for Mercy, Home, Erlking or Take me to church?]

So here is the first chapter to Wolves, hope you enjoy reading!

[goal: 20 votes and 15 comments]

Niall slowly blinked his eyes open and rubbed his eyes, before he sat up, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. When he took in the den, the memories of the storm and his stranding on the island came back to him and he had to take a deep breath, afraid he would start to cry otherwise.

He was alone, so he slowly stood up, but when he wanted to leave, there was suddenly a big wolf standing at the entrance, making Niall scream in panic before he hid behind a root that was shielding the den from the entrance, which seemed to alarm Louis and Harry, because the suddenly were by his side. Both stark naked. Niall immediately looked to the ground, but the panic was still evident in his body posture.

Louis put a hand on his shoulder and stirred him back to the place, where he had awoken just a few minutes ago. "Please, stay here. We have to sort out a few things." Niall only nodded and Louis left. From outside, Niall could hear bones creaking and shouting. "Harry, what the fuck do you think you're doing? He's a fucking stray or he even could be a spy from one of the other packs! Have you lost your mind??" "Liam, please calm down. He is no spy. And he is not a stray. He does not seem to be from here at all. He is wearing – what do you call it – cloths?" "You mean clothes?" "Yes, exactly." Liam looked deep in thought. "How did he get here? Nobody has found this island ever before, after the Master was killed."

Harry shook his head. "We don't know yet. Louis found him and when he passed out we took him back to our den, but he was so exhausted, so we let him rest a bit." Liam nodded and sighed. "Can I please be there, when you talk to him?" Harry looked unsure, but he couldn't deny the pack alpha, so he nodded. They went into the den, where Louis was standing and the three of them moved into the den, which was barely high enough for them to walk in. Normal they would stay in their wolf forms in there, but they needed to be in human form, when they wanted to talk to Niall.

They moved over to Niall, who avoided to look up at them, because they were naked for fucks sake.  Could they not put on clothes? Had they no shame at all?

"Hello Niall, how are you feeling?" Louis asked softly. "I'm better, thank you, Louis." Niall said softly and the pack alpha was immediately drawn to the blonde omega and a soft rumble fought his way up his throat. Niall looked up in shock, when he heard the rumble and curled even more into himself.

Harry looked at Liam with a sharp look and Liam looked confused. He didn't know where that had come from. "Louis looked over to Liam, before he introduced him to Niall. "Niall, this is our pack alpha, Liam. Liam, this is Niall." "Pack alpha?" Niall asked confused. What has he gotten himself into? Packs didn't exist anymore and hadn't for over 200 years by now.

"Yes, we live together as a pack and Liam is our leader. We are the Golden Moon pack, one of the three who live on this island." Niall was still confused. "But packs don't exist anymore?" He said unsurely. Liam laughed softly, along with Harry. "Here packs still exist, but I don't know where you're from? Here it is completely normal?" Liam said. "I'm from Ireland and-" "Where's Ireland?" Louis asked interested. "In Europe?" "Where's that?" Louis asked. Niall looked at him in shock. "Where the fuck am I? How can you not know where Europe is? It's one of the continents." Louis shrugged his shoulders. "Never heard of it before."

Niall looked like he would faint any second – again. "But anyway", Liam spoke up again. "I know where it is and we need to find out, how you found this island, because nobody from the outer world has been able to trespass the border to our world. "So, how did you get here?" Niall shrugged his shoulders. "I was on a ship with my boyfriend" – Liam growled lowly to himself, making sure that the omegas would not hear it, but Harry could and he gave the alpha a knowing grin.

" – and we were on the sea, when there suddenly was a storm and the ship capsized and well afterwards I found myself here. I don't know how I got here and I really would like to get back now."

Liam looked at Niall with pity. "I'm sorry, Niall, but you can't go back." "Why?" "Because nobody can know that we still exist."  "And I need to stay here?" Niall asked and Liam nodded. Niall began to whimper and curled completely into himself. Liam went to console him, but Niall began to sob silently. Louis shook his head at the pack's alpha and moved over to the distressed omega. "Calm down, Niall. You're going to like it here, I promise you. You will find many friends here and you can find your mate he – " Niall growled. "I already had a fucking mate-to-be, but look where he is now! Dead! I don't want anyone else, especially not some wild person like you all are! I will never feel at home here, so just shut up!" Niall screamed and everyone was surprised by this outburst.

"Niall, I know this is hard – " "You don't know anything, so just shut up!" Niall shouted and Harry growled possessively. "Don't talk to my omega like this!" "Fuck you!" Niall said trough gritted teeth and that's when Liam growled aggressively. "Shut the fuck up! You're a stuck-up omega, nothing else. Either you submit to us and learn to act like a omega or we will ban you from this pack and then you will either die or end up as a breeding machine for one of the other packs!"

Niall growled at him, because you would have liked to say, that they should ban him, but he didn't want to end up as a breeding machine either, so he let out a sigh and nodded. "I will try to learn to act like an omega, but all of you need to understand, that it will take me a lot of time. Where I'm from, omegas are free and can choose everything for themselves, they don't need to mate or bear children. And even though I would like to have a mate by my side, I never wanted children for example. And I don't want to change my believes, just because I ended up here. I will submit if needed, but I want to choose my mate myself."

Liam shook his head. "I'm sorry, but this is not request show. Either you live in our ways or you leave."

Niall nodded. "Good to know then." Niall said and stood up. He picked up his shoes and put them on, before he left the den and walked straight out of the pack's territory.

"Why did you let him leave?" Harry asked, because he could easily see the infatuation Liam had, since he had seen the omega for the first time and he knew what that meant. "I can't pressure him into staying. If he is not willing, to adjust to our life, then he must find out the hard way, that we would have been the best choice."

Harry shook his head. "I know you Liam, and I know, that that is not the truth. At least not the whole." Liam sighed and rolled his eyes. "You know why he had to go." "Do I?" "For fuck's sake Harry! Yes, I know that you've seen it and I felt it okay? But that will never happen, because I'm just waiting for Sophia to go into her heat!"

Harry shook his head sadly. "Just because Sophia was chosen by the oracle to be your mate, you will let go your soulmate?"

"Soulmate?" Louis asked confused and looked at the two alphas. "You mean, Niall is your soulmate, Liam?" Liam groaned and nodded, before he suddenly felt a slap across his cheek.

He looked up in a daze, before his eyes narrowed and he looked at Louis. He went to open his mouth, but Louis beat him to it. "What the fuck are you doing here? Get your soulmate!"

Wolves [Niam] - Alpha/OmegaWhere stories live. Discover now