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two weeks ago I decided against a goal and set up a schedule for my updates, but since then I've lost votes and, most importantly, comments.
Like on the last chapter of Wolves I lost 15 comments, on Kitten Boy 15 comments, on Home 15-20 comments, which makes me really sad to be honest and I'm thinking to going back to the goal stuff, because at least then I get feedback.
Only if I reach my normal amount of comments/votes by Friday,will I keep up the update schedule.

Also, here is a rough plan about how many chapters my stories have left:
Kitten Boy (3-4 chapters left), Home (5-6 chapters left), Beg for Mercy (about 10 chapters left) and Wolves about 15-20 chapters left).

Liam was placed in the rugs of his mother's den, who was fussing about her son and she was really angry at Sophia when she heard what had happened. She couldn't believe that Liam's ex-mate could have been so stupid. Karen, Liam's mother, just shook her head and sighed before she brought over a bowl of water. She carefully cleaned the wounds, which were very deep and would take a while to heal, even though Liam was an alpha. Light wounds would heal much faster on an alpha then on a omega, but here it would take a while.

In the meanwhile, Niall sat in Liam's den, still shocked about the attack of the bear. But what Niall didn't understand was, why Sophia lead him there, because appearently she had known that a bear was living there. Was it intenional? Niall shook his head, the other omega would never do it, or maybe she would? Niall but his lip and decided to go to Louis, because Harry had gone with Sophia, both of them had not spoken to him since the attack had taken place.

Niall left the den and heard shouting. "How stupid are you?" Harry growled at Sophia, who had her head bent. "I'm sorry Harry, I never meant for it to escalate and for Liam to get hurt!" She said. "But you wanted to hurt Niall! Liam no longer is your mate, so stop being jealous! Liam has found his true mate and you will not change that!" Harry screamed and Sophia burst out in tears. "But he was mine", she cried and broke down. Harry sighed: "That will not go by without consequences, you got be banned for being a traitor, you know?" He said much calmer and Sophia nodded: "I'm so sorry." Harry just nodded and then they both saw Niall, who looked at them in shock.

"You wanted to kill me?" He asked in a small voice and Sophia nodded her head in shame. Niall gasped and turned around as fast as he could and stormed away. Sophia wanted to run after him, but Harry held her back. "Let him calm down, at first. I will send Louis after him." Sophia nodded and went back to the omega den in shame.

Harry went to his den and told Louis to follow Niall, which the omega did gladly. He followed the trace of Niall's scent and found him on the small river which ended in a small sea with a waterfall. Louis turned into his human form. "Hello, Niall." Louis said softly and sat down beside the blonde, who just stared ahead on the water. Louis sighed softly.
"I know, this is a shock to you. But Sophia has always been a bit lunatic. She has always been extremely jealous but that she would go so far - nobody could have known. We are all very sorry that had to happen to you!"

Niall sighed: "In my world this extreme jealousy is rare but it happens all the time. If somebody cheats on their partner, they sometimes get killed, because the partner, who was cheated on, gets so extremely jealous. I just never thought this would happen to me, ya know? Especially because Liam and me are not even mated and now I don't think I can do it at all. I'm afraid that something like this could happen again."
Louis nodded but assured Niall: "When Liam is fine again, he will choose a punishment for Sophia, because what she has done was so wrong, but I'm sure she will never do something like this again. She could be banned for it." Niall gulped. "But wouldn't that mean she would be a stray?" Niall asked. Louis nodded. "I can't let that happen. Even though what she has done was wrong, but she can't be banned. In a way I can understand her, I took her mate away from her and that must hurt, but I'm not okay with her behaviour." Louis smiled. "You will make the perfect Luna to our pack alpha", Louis said.

Niall blushed. He couldn't believe that his mate was the leader of a whole pack, a large on at that.
But he knew it would take him a while, before he would become comfortable to mate with Liam and become the pack's luna.

Suddenly Niall was pushed into the water and he emerged with a gasp. "The fuck?" he screamed at Louis, who was laughing wholeheartly. Niall glared at him, before he swam to the rivers bank and got a hold of Louis' leg before he dragged him into the water as well. "Niall!" he screamed out, but this time it was Niall laughing. Louis pouted at the other omega, before he climbed back on the banks.

Niall followed him and shook his head, to get rid of the water. "Now I'm all wet", Louis pouted. Niall grinned. " That could be interpreted in two ways." He laughed and Louis blushed, before he began to laugh as well. "That's not what I meant!" Louis cried out and laughed even harder.
When they both stopped laughing, they both decided to go back and there they were met with Harry, who sighed in relief.

"Thank god, you're back." Louis was engulfed in his alpha's arms. "What's going on?" Louis asked in suspicion.
"Nothing, I was just worried about you, love." Harry mumbled and nosed at Louis' scent gland.

Niall smiled at the sweet exchange. "You're so cute together." Niall said and Louis blushed while Harry grinned proudly. "Thank you", Louis mumbled cutely and cuddled further into Harry's arms.
Niall wished he would have such a sweet alpha and he sighed inwardly.

Would Liam be the right choice? Or would do Sophia doing something stupid again? Niall was deep in thought, when suddenly Karen came over. "You're Niall right? My son is asking for you." Niall nodded and smiled at the female omega. "Nice to meet you,..." "Karen", Liam's mother said and smiled at the sweet omega.

Together they went to her den, where Liam was laying on the rugs. "Niall", he mumbled and waved the omega over who gasped at the wounds. He sat down beside the alpha and softly touched the sore area around the wounds. Liam smiled at him and softly pulled the omega to lay down beside him. They were silent for a while, before Liam said:

"I'm glad you're fine."

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