Thanks for loving me ('Cause you're doing it perfectly)

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"Watch out, he is right behind you!"

"Copy that. No way he's going to get me!" With that, Poe moves the toy X-Wing from one hand to the other and makes shooting noises. "That was it!"

"You got him!" The seven-year old runs up to him and "flies" her little X-Wing next to him. "Time to return to the Base, General Dameron."

"Successful day, Captain Andor, always a pleasure to fight with you." They take their free hands to practice their secret handshake, one no one else quite understands since they are really quick doing so.

"By the way, Poe", the girl stops and crosses her arms in front of her chest, her eyes sparkling just like her mother's when she is angry. "Why are you always the General?"

"Because I'm older than you, Reme!" He sticks his tongue out and with that the chase begins. They are running around on the fields and through the many trees that cover Yavin 4's surface, the toys flying through the air and both of them imitating noises of their ships.

"No mames, Poe Dameron! That one year doesn't count!"

"Thirteen month, Reme!"

"Better watch your ass!" And with that she starts attacking him, causing him to run even faster.

"Friendly fire, friendly fire!", he screams before he pretends to be hit as he tries to cover the fact he stumbles over a stone and lands on the soft grass, Remedios following only a few seconds later landing on his back, leaving Poe without a possibility to escape. And as such a situation can't be wasted she starts tickling him until he hiccups and begs for mercy.

"If you give in to torture this easy you better hope the Empire never rises again." They sit down next to one another, both checking their toys for eventual damage like Shara's taught them to do with her X-wing.

"But the Empire is the Empire and not my best friend." He smirks at her, his dark hair a complete mess, just like her own, since she demanded it to be cut just a bit longer as her Papá's. It might make her look boyish but she doesn't really mind.

"True." She jumps up and stretches one arm out to him. "If the empire ever rises again, we are going to fight them together, promised?"

Poe takes her hand without hesitation. "Promised!" They practice their secret handshake once more, before they head back to their home. After the war, a lot of families (especially former members of the Rebellion) have started settling on Yavin 4 including the Andors and Damerons, who are now living next to one another.

"Maybe uncle Chirrut could teach us how to fight with a stick", Remedios considers suddenly and Poe takes her idea even one step further.

"Do you think we could get Luke's lightsaber? Just once?" Their eyes are shining by now, as they both grasp the next branch they can find and use them as lightsabers, making the typical noises they remember from the few times they've met Luke and talked him into showing them the weapon.

"That would be so cool!" Their lightsabers meet a few times before Remedios climbs on a fallen tree and gives Poe a triumphant smile.

"Give up?"

"Just because you have the high ground? Never!" He jumps up to her and almost falls, before their fight continues.

"Niños, dónde estáis?" Cassians voice makes them both look away for a second.

"Aquí, Papá!" She follows his voice and he pulls her into an embrace, kissing her on the forehead before they go back to the little village.

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