Sophie's Little Monsters

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Sophie woke up bright and early.   She quickly rubbed her eyes and went to check the hole for the little monsters.   She lifts up the paper then glanced inside.  But she saw nothing at all.  "Hey, little monsters where are? she whispered.  She received no answer.  "Oh, well, I'll come back, I'm sure you'll come back," she said as she headed to the kitchen.  "Good morning mother," she said as she walks in then sat done.  "Good morning, you sound very cherry today.  What are you up to?" asked her mother   "Nothing mother, why do I have to be up to something if I just woke up happy?" she asked.  

"Forget my comment.  Listen, pack your personal things, we'll be moving back upstairs." she explained.."Good, I really miss my room and my electronics."  Sophie said with a smile.  

"I did tell you to bring them down here.  So if you miss them, that's all on you.  Now eat your breakfast.  I need to stay with Mrs. Anderson.  Her son, your father and I are going to dig out her door.   Hopefully, she can also go back to your house.  So make sure you keep her company and no going outside to wander off on one of your adventures.  You got it!" explained Julie as she walks up the steps and out the door.    

"Oh, well another day, that I must sneak around.  I do what I must.  I just don't like being bored out my mind." she whispers as she ate her breakfast, every now and then she will look toward at Mrs. Anderson, hoping she will just fall asleep.

Mark, Eric, and Julie all grabbed shovels and headed towards Eric's home.   When they arrived Julie began to dig the front door out from under the snow and ice.  Mark started digging out the entrance to the garage.    Eric, figured he'll check the premises, making sure there weren't any damages.  Eric walked around the entire house when he suddenly saw two different sets of footprints in the snow.  "what in the world is this?" he as he followed the prints in the snow.  

One set of prints lead to the forest, but then due to the ice, they suddenly stopped.  The other set of prints led to the side window.  Eric, he felt that they have been robbed.  He began to dig out the window.  When he was almost done, he was able to look inside his home.  Lots of things were moved around, and he knew then he was really robbed.

He dropped the shovel and ran to the front of the house, where Mark and Julie were digging.  "Mark, you're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you.  Here it goes anyway,  I do believe that my grandmother and I have been rob.  Someone had uncovered the window, they placed the snow and ice back, to make it look like no one went inside.  Let me give you a hand here, we need to get inside." he explained as he began to help dig out the front door.

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