Sophie's Little Monsters

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The little monsters began to walk away, leaving Felix under the large rock.  "Hey, if no one looks for him, can we eat him?" asked Ahoy  "No one eating anyone.  Let's go check on Sophie, we need her help to find our way home."  Ake explained as they walked down the road.  When they were close to the house, they noticed Sophie looking out of the window.   "Hey, there she is." said Che  "Where?" asked Cha  "Up there, she looking out of the window," said Che  "Hey, she might be looking for us," said Cha   "Yes she is waiting for us.  Let's not make her wait any longer." said Ahoy as they all went under the ground and in seconds appeared right in front of the window.

They all popped out from underneath the ground at the same time.  Which Sophie so much that she dumped her forehead on the window's glass.   "Hey, little monsters, you scared me!" she yelled as she opened up the window.   "Hey, where have you been all day?  I know you didn't finish up all those rats in one day.  I really hope you left some for tomorrow." she said with a smile.  "Well, we almost did, but we save some for tomorrow, I'm sure of it.  May we go in?  We need your answer?" asked Ake  

"What answer?' she asked   "Are you going to take us up to the top of the hill.  We need to find the portal and get back home." explained Ake  "Why?  You can stay here with me." she said   "No, we can't, we have a home to go to." said Che  "Look, go to my room, I'll meet you there." she said as she closed the window, check on Mrs. Anderson and ran upstairs to her room and waited for her friends to appear from under her bed.    

Then one by one appeared from under the bed.  "We're here!" said Che as he runs out from under the bed.   Then when Ahoy tried to come out of the hole, he was stuck.  "Hey, one of you is missing?  Where's Ahoy?" she asked   "I'm here, help me I'm stuck!" he yelled while trying to crawl out of the hole.   Sophie bent down and saw him stuck.   She then moved the bed out of the way.    "Hey, are you alright?" she asked him  "Does it look like I'm alright.  Get me out of here!" he yelled as tried to get free.   

The others began to laugh and point at him.  "We told you four rats is good enough for one day, but Mr. Greedy here ate eight,  look at you now, you're stuck." said Ake laughing out loud   "It's not funny, get me out of here!" he yelled again  "I'll help you," said Sophie as she began to pull him by his little arms.   "Girl, you break me, you're breaking me.  Stop pulling!" he screamed  "I'm breaking you?  You can break.  Look just let me do this." she said as she continued to pull.   

"Girl will you chill, you going to take my arms and leave my body behind!" he screamed again   "Sorry, but you are too fat," said Sophie   The others again began to laugh.  "Hey Dude, she called you fat!  I've told you that you were fat, but no, you said they were muscles.  Yell right!" said Ake laughing while the others did the same.  "Just wait to I'm free, I'm going to give you something to laugh about!  Now get me out of here now!" said Ahoy who was not out of his mind upset.   "Well, I have an idea.  Ahoy, when I tell you to hold your stomach in, do it quickly.  

Now on the count of one, you hold your breath and I'll pull you out." she explained   "Girl, fine, I'll try anything." he said as he got ready to suck his belly in.   "One!" said Sophie as she pulled and Ahoy held his breath   In seconds Ahoy flu out of the hole and landed on Sophie.   "It works!  Now get off of me," she said as she pushed him off.  

"Thanks!" he said as he stood up and dust his fur.   The other was still laughing.  "Hey, cut it out!  It' not nice to laugh at another size.   Some of us are small, some are big, some are skinny, some are fat, some are ugly, some are pretty,  but it doesn't give anyone the right to laugh at you.  So do stop making fun of Ahoy." said Sophie   Which really didn't matter, for the little monsters weren't paying attention to what she was saying, they just kept laughing.

Now further up the road, Mark and Eric were still waiting outside for Felix.  "Look, Bill, is your brother coming out to talk to us, or what?" asked Mark who was tired of waiting.  "I don't know what's taking him so long," said Bill knowing that Felix was already gone.  "You know he's not coming out, all this time we've been out here, gave him plenty of time to run.  He's gone isn't he?" asked Mark  "Sorry, sir, but just is gone." said Bill    

Mark and Eric quickly ran to the back of the house.  They ran further into the backwoods.    "I knew this fucker was going to run.' said Eric  "Yes, but why didn't Bill run?  I'm sure they did the robberies together." said Mark  "Maybe he's the one that' s hurt, we did find spots of blood at the crime scene.  That just might be Felix's blood." said Mark  "You might be right." said Eric as they continue searching the backwoods for Felix.  

Julie was done helping for the day.  She waited for Mark for an hour.  But when she realized it was beginning to get dark, she figured she'll walk home.  Then on her way she went.

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