Chapter 1

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Makoto and Kinshiro don't like each other. That's not hard to tell, but they're trying to hide something. They've been together in a relationship for a few years, and they've been hiding it.

They had stayed together one night, and Makoto hadn't been feeling that well since. He was working on one of his paintings when he felt something trying to come up. He placed his brush down and lightly pushed his painting away.

Makoto leaned on the table in front of him and put his head on his arms. He heard the door open and close, but he didn't look up. He heard footsteps walk over, and someone knelt down by him and placed a hand on his back. He glanced to see who it was.

"Ukyo? What do you need?" Makoto asked as he sat up. He was able to hold whatever it was down.

"Are you okay? You seem sick," Ukyo said as he kept a hand on his leader's back.

Makoto pushed the hand away. "I'm fine. Now, what did you-" He stopped mid-sentence and looked at the ground with a hand over his mouth.

"Makoto? Makoto?!" Ukyo watched as Makoto stood up and ran out of the room.

Kagura was outside the room and stared as Makoto went to the restroom. He looked into the room and stared at Ukyo.

"What...happened?" He asked.

Ukyo stood up. "He had his head laid down when I got here, and he didn't look that good."

The sound of throwing up was heard from the restroom. Kagura walked to the main room and closed the shop for a day. Ukyo knocked on the restroom door.

"Makoto? Kagura closed off the shop early since you're not feeling well. Are you okay in there?" Ukyo asked as the throwing up stopped.

Makoto walked out and stared at Ukyo. Ukyo glanced up and down the taller man. His long blue hair looked messy, and his blue eyes looked tired. His kimono looked like it was lazily put on. His form looked weak, and...

"Have you put on some weight lately?" Ukyo asked as he looked at Makoto's stomach, which had grown a little and could be seen though his kimono.

"Huh?" Makoto looked at him with a confused look. He looked down at his stomach and raised an eyebrow. When did he gain weight?

"Are you sure that you're okay? You've been acting weird lately," Ukyo said with a worried voice.

Makoto leaned on the door's frame. "I'm fine," he tried to figure out what was going on with him. He thought back to the night with Kinshiro a few months ago. He blushed and shook his head. He was a guy, and there was no way for him to be carrying a child.

"Makoto, what's on your mind?" Ukyo asked. "Makoto... Makoto?!" He quickly caught the blue haired man as he fell over. Kagura came running over.

"What...happened this... time?" He asked as he knelt down. Ukyo was sitting on his knees with Makoto's head in his lap.

"I had notice that he was gaining weight in his abdomen, and he got quiet after I pointed it out. Then he just fell over. He's out cold," Ukyo explained. "I'm going to take him to his room. Will you get Shintaro?"

Kagura nodded and ran off to Shintaro's dojo. Ukyo put an arm under his knees and another one on his upper back. He lifted him up and walked to the back where their rooms were. He opened the door and carefully placed Makoto on the futon.

A few minutes later, Kagura walked in with Shintaro behind him. Makoto didn't seem to be waking up anytime soon. Shintaro listened to what happened. He nodded and checked a few things. He got to the abdomen.

Shintaro slightly opened his kimono and pat around it. He stopped and pressed his hand on one spot, pushing down. His eyes widened.

"Shintaro, what is it?" Ukyo asked as he watched Shintaro move his hand away and put his ear to his stomach.

"I felt something move...oh god... guys," Shintaro looked up at the two. His eyes were still wide. "I heard a heartbeat in his stomach."

"That's impossible!" Ukyo said, looking shock from hearing that. "How... he... he's a man!"

Shintaro motioned him over. Ukyo sat on his knees and put his ear on his stomach. He could hear the heartbeat and movement. He pulled away. Kagura did the same. He sat up slowly.

"If he is... who would... be the... father? Any ideas?" Kagura asked as he looked at the two.

"The father..." Shintaro mumbled as he fixed Makoto's kimono. "You don't think that it could be someone in the vigilantes, do you?"

Ukyo stared at Makoto's stomach. "He seems to spend a lot of time with Kinshiro when none of us are around..."

"But they... don't like... each other," Kagura said. "Could that... just be... to hide something?"

"He's come over today with a few of the other Edo Vigilantes. One of us should just talk to him then," Shintaro said. "We can also get Wasaka to check Makoto to see if he is with child."

Kagura nodded and pulled the light blanket over Makoto. Makoto turned to his side, and his face looked peaceful, completely out of it.

The Man Who Carried a Vigilante Leader's Child(SWD MakotoXKinshiro Mpreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now