Chapter 2

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"So, you're glad that I'm early?" Wakasa asked as he followed the three to Makoto's room. "And what happened to Makoto?"

"He passed out, and he's gaining weight around his stomach... we all felt movement and a heartbeat..." Shintaro explained.

Wasaka blinked and walked in the room. Makoto was awake. He had everything explained to him, and his face was hidden in his hands.

Wasaka walked over. He knelt down in front of the other man and place a hand on his stomach. Wasaka checked a few things before calling the other three in.

"It's possible to have both male and female genital, but he only had male. Even if he is male, he had both reproduction organs of the genders. Yes, he's pregnant," Wasaka said before looking at Makoto. "Makoto, who's the father?"

Makoto turned red as he stayed quiet. He shook slightly before something happened that shocked all of them. He started to cry, letting hormones take over.

"Master..." Shintaro's eyes widened as he stared at the crying man.

Wasaka pulled Makoto into a hug and quietly stroke his hair. "Kagura, will you get some tea to help calm him?"

Kagura nodded and stood up. He headed out to get some tea for Makoto. Makoto was leaning on the doctor as he cried his heart out.

"Hey, Makoto, will you tell me what's wrong?" Wasaka asked with a soft voice as he rubbed his back.

Makoto looked up at the brown haired man with red eyes. Wasaka frowned a little and wiped the tears off his face.


"Kin..." Makoto mumbled.

"What?" Ukyo spoke up, looking at him.

"That's the father. Kinshiro is the father of this child," Makoto said.

About an hour later, Makoto was sitting at the table as the rest of the vigilantes were there. It was clear that Makoto was even more pissed than normal.

Kinshiro finally spoke up, "Okay, Makoto, you seem angrier than normal. Are you okay?"

Ukyo, Kagura, Shintaro, and Wasaka looked at each other with a worried look. They all knew that his mood was because of him finding out that he was pregnant and his hormones.

Makoto looked up at his lover and glared at him. Kinshiro tensed up, wondering what he had done. Makoto stood up, and a few looked at his stomach.

Makoto started walking out, but before he walked out, he said, "I'm pregnant, you idiot."

Kinshiro froze as he watched Makoto leave. His eyes widened as he turned to Wasaka. His eyes asked if he was being serious. Wasaka nodded at the green haired Edo Vigilante leader.

Everyone in the room was shocked when they heard this, all but the four that already knew. There were four reasons why this shocked them:

1) Makoto just came out as gay.

This was not as shocking because he had never been with a girl, and he didn't so any interest in them

2) Kinshiro was also gay.

This shocked them even more that Makoto coming out. Kinshiro has had many girlfriends, and no one could have seen this coming.

3) That both Makoto and Kinshiro were in a relationship.

This was even more shocking. Makoto and Kinshiro always acted as if they hated one another. Kinshiro would always try to irritate Makoto, and Makoto would always get mad at him.

4) That Makoto could not only carry children but was pregnant.

No one had really realized that Makoto was gaining weight because whenever he talked to any of them, he normally was sitting down. No one even thought that a guy could get pregnant.

Everyone turned to look at the shocked Kinshiro. Kinshiro looked at all of them before turning and going down the wall to talk to Makoto.

He found Makoto in the restroom. He walked over and pulled his boyfriend's long hair back and knelt down by him. He held the hair in one hand and rubbed Makoto's back with the other as Makoto threw up. When he saw done, Makoto looked at the older green haired man.

"It's mine, right?" Kinshiro asked, just wanting to make sure that Makoto was carrying his child.

"I'm not a cheater, Kin, so yes. We're... we're going to parents," Makoto said. He was still sitting on the ground with Kinshiro.

Kinshiro looked at Makoto's stomach. "The last time we... um... yeah... was three months ago so you can only be three months along... I want you to come with me to Edo."

"What?" Makoto asked with wide eyes.

"I can't let you be alone during your pregnancy, and my day job is more important than yours. You have to admit that," Kinshiro said. Makoto nodded a little. "I'm still staying for a week so you have a week to get ready to go to Edo."

Makoto grabbed the collar of Kinshiro's kimono and pulled him into a kiss. Kinshiro seemed shock for a second. Makoto wasn't normally like this. Kin smiled and kissed back, tucking his long blue hair behind his ear.

"I love you," Kinshiro said as he pulled away, placing his forehead on his with his hand on the other man's cheek.

"I love you too, you idiot... you aren't staying in an inn. You're staying with me," Makoto said, knowing that he had one more futon for him to use.

Kinshiro chuckled and pecked his lips. "Whatever you say, huh."

The Man Who Carried a Vigilante Leader's Child(SWD MakotoXKinshiro Mpreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now