Chapter 11

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"Makoto!" Toru yelled at his brother with wide eyes. Makoto's lower kimono was soaked wince his water had broke. Makoto's legs pressed together as he tried to keep the babies in.

Toru looked up to see another boat, small than there's. It was... "Wasaka!"

The brown haired doctor looked up and rowed over. Wakasa got on the boat, carefully, and looked at Makoto.

Makoto's face was flushed as he panted. "...I can't keep them in anymore!" He said as he clung onto Toru's kimono.

Wakasa's eyes widened. "Toru, get us to Edo! I'll have to help Makoto give birth!"

Toru nodded and started rowing to Edo's harbor. Waksa opened up Makoto's legs and took part of his kimono off.

"Welp, time to deliver a baby," Wasaka mumbled. "Makoto, this is going to hurt. Hold onto the sides of the boat and push!"


Over the new hour, the sounds of screaming and gasping were heard all over the ocean as Makoto pushed two girls out of his body.

"Makoto, one more push, and the other girl will come out," Wasaka said as Toru held one of the girl in his arms and rowed as fast as he could.

Makoto looked at Wakasa as he panted. His blue hair stayed attached to his sweaty forehead. He panted as he leaned his head down.

"AGH!!!" Makoto gasped loudly as he felt something come out of his body. Wasaka used a small knife to cut the umbilical cord, just like he did the other.

Wasaka handed the baby to Makoto, and Toru did the same. Makoto looked at his two daughters as he panted loudly. Wasaka fixed Makoto's kimono as the blue haired man stared at the babies.

"Hello...there..." Makoto mumbled as he smiled, looking at the young girls. He still had baby fat so he was still a little chubby looking.

The two girls looked at him with blue eyes. They both had green fuzz on their heads. They both had moles under their eyes, but each mole was under a different eyes.

"Mirror twins," Wasaka said as he looked at them. "Huh, oh, we're here."

Toru stopped rowing the boat. Wasaka got off the boat, and Toru handed the babies to him. He picked Makoto up and took him off the boat. Makoto weakly leaned on his brother.

"Come on," Wasaka said. "We need to get all of them to my clinic."

The Man Who Carried a Vigilante Leader's Child(SWD MakotoXKinshiro Mpreg Story)Where stories live. Discover now