Let's Talk <3

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Hey, guys!

Welcome to my new-ish account.
Even though the only new thing about it is the fact that it's a different email I'm using..

Thank you for all the"welcome backs"! You guys are so awesome and sweet! Made me smile!<3

So I've been asked a lot-this specific thing:

"What happened?"

So let me take a seat..

*sits down with coffee*
-and let's talk.

So as you all know my other account was my first account on wattpad...
But since a year ago(I think it is)..
I've been having.. email issues and wattpad issues. It's a long story-so I'm just gonna sum it up.

I was basically hacked and they shut down my email for this...

I'm not quite sure what happened myself.. so don't ask me to go into specifics.

But it wasn't letting me access my account easily. And sometimes rarely. I kept having problems with everything on my account. Like covers wouldn't work. And posting chapters was beginning to be a long process of going through different things, and etc.

So I decided to use a different email and change things up. The other email is deleted and no one can access it. So no worries there.

So this will be my "old/new" profile. And I will not be using the other one ever again after like 2-3 weeks.

Again if you have anymore questions feel free to ask!

But I'm back, so yay!

My books will be posted and revised slowly but surely. I think I'll start with for my first book to rewrite:

"Miss Adventurous"

That seems to be a favorite of everyone's. Next I'll post Book one of Uncovered Paths Series.

This series will actually have 5-6 books I haven't decided.

I'm already on Book 2 but have to rewrite them, and gets editing done. I actually really love this series. And can't wait to continue it! It's got a lot of twist and fun plots and serious moments coming.. so ya get ready to cry or laugh XD

I'm so excited to start writing again. I absolutely love writing and miss it a lot! And now I can write on my lap top! Yay!

Well.. I think I covered everything-wait no!

Why I haven't responded to anything on my message board is because I have verified the email but because so many perves and bullies are on now days.. they basically have some accounts wait for proper verification.

No! I'm not a bully or pervert. I swear. This is a safety precaution and wattpad helping me fix it. So I should be able to soon! Thanks again. And stay tuned for updates!

-GlitzyDiamond 💎💎💎

(P.s.-if you have any other questions, comment below)

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