Chapter 6: Competition

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Ivy POV:
Why the hell am I on this goddam dirty ass ground, I ask myself but it's like I said it out loud and my question got answered.
"Ivy I missed you so much, I told Vincent to bring me here to come see you and look you're here" little violet said to me before hugging my neck as tight as possible.

"Aww I missed you too violet but where your brother at, you shouldn't be out here alone" I said to her picking her up with me off the ground.
"Well I'm right here she ran off again once she seen you, I guess she got excited to see you too" Vincent said coming up to us.

I guess I hit my head to hard because I wasn't sure if he said too, as in she wasn't the only one to be happy or excited to miss me. I was to stuck in my thought that I forgot that Felix was here and currently talking to me.

"Um who is this" Felix asked coming close to me like a protective boyfriend or should I say dog.
"Well this is Violet and Vincent they were with me when I escaped the hell hole that you were at" I told him putt violet down and moving away from him but I didn't move far since he put his arm around my waist to bring me closer to him as Soon as I attempted to moved away. I swear this guy is more bi polar then my mother on her period.

"Well anyway Ivy you wanna come with me and Violet back to our house to watch a movie?" Vincent asked me before grabbing Violet hand and waiting for my answer. I mean I did want to go so I can hang out with Violet but it seem like even if I tried to go I couldn't because of Felix but knowing me I wanted to piss him off so I quickly got out of his grasp and move over to Vincent, dragging him the same way he came from before Felix can say anything else.

Felix POV:
Why would she go with him, doesn't she know he isn't good news. It's like she wants to get me mad, it's like she doesn't know that I still love her but it seems like I have a little competition that I have to handle real quick.

Vincent POV:
As Ivy drags us away I can only imagine how Felix face looks like knowing that the girl he wants doesn't even want him. I just want him to feel the pain me and Ivy felt when we got the news our father was murder or for Violet sake went on a business trip.
"Vinci when is daddy coming home, I miss him" Violet said when she stopped playing with her dolls to look at me. It hurts to know that our father cares more about his gang or mafia than his kids but it doesn't matter to me anymore really I just don't want Violet thinking that he doesn't love her or anything. I was about to reply to her when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it, stay here" I said before making my way to the door and opening it to see the men that were always with my father but with him not in sight.
"We have bad news to tell you" they said and after that it's like our world fell apart and from then I promise myself to cause the person that brought this on to us hell and it looks like the plan is going the way it's supposed too.

Sorry for not updating guys I've been so busy with school, work and softball but now I'm back kinda....Well anyway I put the 13 reasons why trailer thing on top because I think that if you're ever going through something and you feel like you don't have anyone to talk too I'm always here, like you can message me or whatever floats the boat because I know how it feels to feel lonely but yea hope you guys enjoy this update I'll try to update this week hopefully if not I owe you guys 5 dollars but Goodnight

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