Not Today

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Ivy POV:
I'm convinced everywhere we go something's bound to happen and this time this is your fault and you're finding a way outta this or else I'll be the one gutting you like a fish.

* 5 hours earlier *

"Let me take you out" I say to her as we lay in my bed, after she came in she thought we were going to talk but we did less of that and more of connecting with one another but we didn't get far as I hoped, now we are just laying down watching Netflix enjoy each other company with no problem or arguments.

"No" was all she said before getting off my bed and walking towards the door, but before she can even move I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back towards me.

"Why?" was all I said trying to look into her eyes but she wouldnt even look at me. Her not looking at me made it even hurt more, even when I messed up last time I want to fix things between us now but it seems like I made a big mistake pushing her away and now trying to get back into her life like I never hurt her.

"After everything you've done to me, you thing a little kiss here and there and a date will fix it ? Act like nothing ever happened? like you never hurt me to a point where I hated myself for months? Well felix you're wrong . I should of never came back to Washington, I should of nver came back to you." Was all she said before slapping the shit out of me and walking out my door and slamming it.

"Maybe I did fuck up for good"


I hate him. I Hate him with everything inside of me. I have to leave here, I can't do this everytime. I ran back into my old apartment and ran into my room and started to pack my things up once again, I threw everything into any bag. I zipped up everything and walked out my room,

"Sam im sorry but I can't do this once again, im tired of being hurt by the same person anytime I give him a chance, I cant" I said Before walking out the door, I grabbed my extra phone out my bag and dialed that number.

"Hey Vince can I stay with you for a bit?"

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