What Is Love?

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It's already been almost 3 hours with Felix and Sam hasn't came back yet and I cannot spend any more second with him, I swear if I do I might end up killing myself and if not then him if anything. Currently we we in the living room since he didn't want me to be all alone in my own room and because he might think I might run off because I don't want anything to do with this thing and he's right to I'll take any chance to get away from him.

"Ivy?" I hear from beside me, I turn to see where the voice is coming from to see Felix staring at me with a feeling of guilt and I knew what was already coming up after. I turned back my attention to the tv that I wasn't even paying attention to in the first place to try to avoid the upcoming conversation but I guess Felix had different plans.

"I know you heard me but I guess you don't want to talk so I guess I'll just talk, I still love you just to let you know". Was all he said before turning back to the tv, I had no word to actually say to him but there was a lot of things going on in my head that I couldn't handle at the moment so the first thing I do is put on my puma slippers on and walk right out the door.

Felix POV
When I seen Ivy walk out the door I quickly put on my shoes and followed her calling out her name asking her to stop but knowing how stubborn she is, she kept walking faster and faster heading towards the park. I ran to catch up to her and when I did I grabbed her arm making her stop and turn toward me but only to be welcome with a slap to a face.

"How could you just say you're still in love with me after all the things you put me through last year Felix you cold hearted bastard. I was falling in love with you then you ripped out my heart and stomped on it right in front of my face then you come back now with this Felix. I can't I don't want nothing to do with you ever again, stay the hell away from me from now on. When you see you coming turn the other way I'm done with you and I will never love you like I did before. " She said breaking down crying, but before I can say anything to change her mind some little girl jumped on her making the both of them fall in the process.

Vincent POV
Violet was begging me to bring her back to the park where we had met that girl Ivy but I told her that there might not be a chance that we will see her there again but she still begged me too and I can't say no to her especially when she gives you her puppy dog eyes so I ended up taking her to the park and on our way there I kept thinking about the two guys that my guys had an little encounter with. Felix and John everyone had told me about them especially Felix and all they said was to be careful around him since he's the reason why I'm in charge of my late father gang.

As we get to the park I notice two people arguing and as I get closer one of the figures turned out to be Ivy screaming and crying at some dude. Violet had no problem with the fact that they were arguing and ran up to Ivy and jumped on her taking Ivy to surprise making her lose balance and falling with the two of them. I ran to them to see if they were ok because when they had fell Ivy looked like she had hit her had pretty hard on the pavement but when I got to them, the second figure came closer to my view and I knew who it was already without no questions asked. Felix.

How did she know him? And why are they arguing ? Why was she crying in the first place ? More questions will be asked and they better have an answer to them. But for now I have to make sure both my girls are ok and not in any danger.

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