Chapter 13 A dance?

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I don't own anything

Infirmary marks room

Ruby: Yaaawwwnnn

Mark: Morning sunshine


Mark: Yep and I feel a lot better.

Ruby started to break down and cry

Ruby: You p-passed out in front of me a-a-and you where bleeding so much I was so worried about you!

Mark: Hey hey hey I'm still here I'm okay I'm alive. I was more concerned about you than me to be honest.

Ruby: But how are you awake! You didn't have any aura.

Mark: Shadow healed my wounds it just took longer because I had so many.

Ruby: P-P-Please promise me you won't die.

Mark:I swear I will never die on you, not now not ever.
Mark then wraps her in a hug and she hugs back

Ruby: Thank you.

Mark: I've got an idea

Ruby: What is it?

Mark: W-Well I hear you guys where having a dance and I was wondering if you would want to go wi-


Mark: Wow that was quick.

Ruby:S-Sorry I just-

Mark kisses her on the cheek and said

Mark:Cant wait till the dance

Ruby starts to blush again

Ruby:M-Me neither

Mark: Alright I'm gonna get ready see you in goodwitches class.

Ruby: Alright see you there.

Later at Goodwitches class

Marks pov

Me: I was just watching Pyrrha completely crush team CRDL which always makes my day.

Cardin: Lucky shot

Me: Pssshhh what an asshole

Goodwitch: would anybody else like to go.

???: I would!

Goodwitch: yes Mercury and who would you wish to fight.


He points to Pyrrha

Goodwitch: I am sorry but ms nickos as just finished a match perhaps someone else.

???:I would like to fight the man in the black leather jacket.

A girl walks up with a red dress and ember like

Goodwitch: You are ms cinder fall correct

Cinder: Yes and I would like to fight mr Tyson

Goodwitch: Well me Tyson would you like to participate?


The symbiote raps around me forming my armor.

Goodwitch: Since you don't have aura I will call of the match when I believe you have exhausted yourself.



Cinder comes at me with twin swords I dodge her twin swords and kick her legs from under her. She backflips and gains distance using arrows to shoot me.

I catch the arrows and fire my pistols back at her destroying more of her arrows. She comes right behind me and attacks but I block and kick her in the stomach. But she comes back at ungodly speed and knees me in the face.

We trade blows with each other until.

Cinder: I surrender

Venom: Wait what now?

Cinder: I surrender you are obviously way out of my league.

Venom: Are you sure I thought we where pretty evenly matched

Cinder smiles at him and says oh I am very positive.

Goodwitch: Very well the winner is Mark Tyson aka Venom.

As I walk off the stage and head towards the back alone. Then I notice Cinder was their alone as well. She comes up to me and shakes my hand and says.

Cinder: You are quite an interesting person Mark and not bad on the eyes as well.

Me: Uuhh thanks?

Cinder: I hope we meet again sometime under better circumstances.

Cinder kisses marks cheek and walks off

Me: That.... was weird

Shadow: Yeah good thing Ruby wasn't here to see that she would have been pissed.

Me: Yeah tell me about it.

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