"Left in the Dust"

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Louis POV {Most Requested :)}:

"Louis, wait!" I heard Harry call from behind me.

I ignored his helpless calls and continued moving in the direction opposite of the offender.

I slammed my car door shut and hit the pedal, leaving Harry heartbroken in the dust.

And he damn right deserved it.

I've told Harry everything from the moment we became close, from my parents constant fighting to my constantly growing crush on Gigi.

I wouldn't get worked up if Harry hadn't told me about something small, I would've given him some hell about it and then moved on.

But the fact that his girlfriend-I mean, ex-girlfriend-has been pregnant with another guys baby for two or more weeks and he didn't tell me is unfathomable.


He told Zayn, someone he has known for less than half a year, about it before I ever knew. And by the look on Harry's face when Zayn broke the news, he wasn't planning to tell me anytime soon.

I pulled up to my house and parked the car.

I stumbled in, tears still stinging my eyes. I quickly grabbed my cell phone and dialed the number that first came to my head.

"Louis?" I heard a familiar, beautiful voice ask on the other end.


"H-hey, yeah, it's me," I replied.

"I haven't heard from you in a while-how's Olivia?"

"Uh, we actually just broke up-well, she broke up with me-about a week ago." I replied.

"Oh, nice."

"Yeah," I said, unable to think of anything else to say.

"Louis, why did you call me?" She asked, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

I hesitated for a moment before spitting out some words that I probably shouldn't have said. "I was, ah, wondering if you wanted to catch up some time over at my house?"

"Lou, you know I have a boyfriend and that would seem kind of suspicious..."

I sighed. "Yeah, I know, just forget it."

"You know, it would actually be kind of nice to catch up a little, I'll do it!"

"Ah, great. Wanna come over?"

"You mean now?"

"Uh, yeah, if that works for you. If it doesn't, that's fine, we can meet up any time, whenever you want..."

She laughed. "I'll be there in ten."


"Hey Lou!" Gigi exclaimed, stepping into my house with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey Gi."

"It so nice to see you again," she said, high-fiving me.

"Right back atcha," I said, grinning.

Gigi wandered around the living room and into my kitchen.

"I miss this place," she said, her brown eyes scanning my house.

I stood awkwardly in the corner of my kitchen, nodding and agreeing to every statement she made.

"So what's up with you?" Gigi asked, casually grabbing a bag of crisps from my cabinet.

"Nothing much," I replied.

She stopped crunching and glared at me for a second. "I know you, and I know that when you say that not much is going on, there's a lot happening with you," she snapped her fingers. "Spill."

So all of a sudden, as if her snap hypnotized me to follow all of her orders, I stumbled and spilled all of my story, from beginning to end.

When I told her the part about Harry keeping the pregnancy from me, I unexpectedly burst into tears.

She dropped her handful of chips and came running over to me.

"Please, don't cry!" she said, wrapping her long, athletic arms around me. "Please Lou."

I contained a sob as I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered. "That's a sucky thing for Harry to do."


She put her hands on my shoulders and smiled sweetly. "Hey, I told you that Victoria and Olivia are bimbos," she laughed.

I shyly laughed along. I felt shivers roll through my veins as she carefully hugged me again.

"I'll be here if you need me, trust me," she said.

I nodded and looked in her eyes.

Something about the tenderness and emotion in her eyes drew me closer to her.

Surprisingly, she closed her eyes and leaned in a bit more. I pressed my lips to hers and she hesitantly pressed back for a second until she detached with wide eyes.

"Uh, I have to go," she said, tears coming to her eyes as she gathered her jacket and ran out the door.

I watched her leave, confused and broken.

I felt like an awful guy, for igniting the kiss with a girl who has a boyfriend already.

But I think I love Gigi. I think I always have.

But she's with Liam, and she loves him.

I pushed my door closed.

As usual, I was the one who ended up being left in the dust.



Some Louigi action going on over here!

Who do you ship: Louigi or Ligi?

And who's your favorite couple so far in this book;) comment below!

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