"On The Road"

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Harry's POV:

"These guys are crazy," I said, watching the crowd of teenage girls follow our car.

"Yep," Louis responded, pulling out his phone and immediatly typing quickly.

"Who's that?" I asked.


"Who's the person that you're texting?" I cleared up.

"Oh, just El," Louis said, referring to his current "girlfriend", Eleanor.

"Do you even like her?" I asked, ignoring the sudden ringing coming from my phone.

He shrugged. "Enough that I can deal with being around her in front of the pap."

I sighed. "It sucks that management made you find a girlfriend so quickly."

He looked down sadly at his phone.

Instead of a conversation with Eleanor, I saw a picture from Instagram with Gigi and Liam.

I quickly grabbed the phone from him. "Stop making yourself depressed. Eleanor's a really great girl and you're lucky to have her."

He nodded without any energy and went back to staring out the window.

I finally looked at my phone to see who was calling me.


I decided not to call her back until we got to the hotel in case I needed to be alone for the conversation.

We continued speeding along the road, finally losing the majority of the crowd. I looked at my watch. It was about one in the morning back in England, and Louis and I had just gone back there to visit our famlies and friends before we left for the American leg of our tour.

I was exhausted.

I was also quite homeisick, but the fact that Cassia was coming to the part of our tour in the Eastern part of the US made up for most of that.

We pulled in to the front entrance of the hotel in LA about twenty minutes later.

Louis and I went up to our hotel room as our management did everything else for us.

Louis and I were sharing a room and Liam Zayn and Niall were sharing another room.

After our luggage arrived at our door, we changed into PJ's and hopped into our beds.

I turned on the TV and flipped the channel until I came across a rerun of one of my favorite shows, "Family Guy."

After a while of just sitting in silence as the TV chattered on, Louis started to speak.

"I still am pissed at you though."

I muted the TV and looked at him quizzically.

"And why is that?"

He crossed his arms. "I'm still pissed that you waited so long to tell me about Victoria's...you know...pregnancy."

"That was forever ago man."

He shrugged. "What happened to her?"

I shook my head. "No freaking clue. She probably gave the baby up for adoption and moved on with her life. I mean, her and Luke's life."

"Yeah." he said, allowing me to turn back on the TV as our conversation ended.

After a few more minutes, he started talking again. "You know, I'm also really pissed about something else."

I sighed and muted the TV yet again. "And what is that?"

"I hate how Liam's this nice, awesome guy that I want to love, but I cant help but get annoyed by everything he does. I mean, I'd probably feel the urge to strangle him if he said hello to me."

"Louis, I don't know how many times I have to tell you this, but you need to get over the fact that Liam and Gigi love each other and that-"

"No, no, no. It's not even just that anymore. Something about how geniune he is ticks me off." He leaned back and sighed. "But it's mostly because of Gigi."

He looked at me, not crying but his eyes slightly frosted over. "I miss her, Harry."

I nodded and was about to go over to hug him when I remembered that I needed to call Cassia back.

"Shoot. I'll be right back, I just have to make a quick call."

I grabbed my cell phone and unlocked the door to the balcony. I quietly shut the door behind me and admired LA at night. The city shone with a light that you wouldn't notice during the day, a type of warmth emiting from the entire city. It felt so peaceful and serene, unusual for a place like Los Angeles.

I went to Cassia's contact and called her back.

On the fourth ring, she picked up.

"Harry? I've been trying to reach you all night! Are you alright?" she said, worry flooding into her voice.

"I'm fine. I'm so sorry about not answering, I thought that I should be alone for our conversation."

I heard her laugh over the phone, which was beautiful, though not even close to as beautiful as it is in person. That made me miss her more.

"Cass?" I asked.


"I need to tell you something kind of important."

"What?" she asked, the worry seeping back into her voice.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but, I'm pregnant."

"Ha ha. Very funny. Get some sleep, Styles."

"Fine. I can't wait to see you."

"Neither can I. Goodnight, H."

"I love you," I said, but she had already hung up.


Sorry for no updates!

Decided to do another update when I get to 6 comments and 30 likes:)

he was so mean [harry styles] *sequel*Where stories live. Discover now