How you meet

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Richie- saves you from being jumped

You just got of work around 11:45, since you had to work a few hours overtime. It was a fifteen to twenty minute walk from the building to your car. You were walking down the sidewalk while listening you your F/B( favorite band) . Since you were to occupied with your music, you didn't know that someone was following you. Without you knowing the person gained up speed, grabbed your shoulders while slamming you into  a brick wall of a back alley. Your eyes widened with fear while your brain was telling you to run, but your feet felt like they were glued to the ground. The guy smirked at you and smelt like alcohol, "   I will not hurt you if you do exactly what I say, but there will be no guarantees.  You shakily whispered " please don't hurt me, all I have is my phone and...". Before you finished your sentence a voice interrupted you, " hey! get your hands off of her".  While looking around for where your saviour is, your eyes stopped to the one and only Richie Sambora. The drunk turned to face Richie, " oh, what are you going to do". Richie smirked at the drunk, and opened his inside pocket like how spies would. Instead of grabbing a real gun and pulling it out which the drunk thought he had a real gun, the gun was just his fingers shaped like a gun.  Richie smirked while watching the drunk stumbled while running away. sighing, Richie turned to face you, and began to walk towards your still trembling form.  Once he was a good distance from you he smiled kindly at you, he softly touched your shoulders with his hands . His touch instantly calmed you down, " thank you for saving me Mr. Sambora ". " its alright , its nice to save a good looking girl , and please call me Richie using my last name makes me seem old". you smiled  back at him and slightly laugh at his remark. " is there anything i can do to ever repay you somehow" you said. Richie smiled how about your name and switch phone numbers". "Uh yeah sure it y/n". You are Richie swapped phone numbers and continued on your home.

Jon- new student. ( when the band is together but not famous yet)

It's just another town and another school for you. Your brothers Sam and Dean, (let say your 16 and Sam 25 and Dean is 30) thought it will be good for you to be at school then be hunting the supernatural. They bought you are small apartment for you just a block from the school, so you which I meant them don't have to worry about you missing school while they were hunting. Since your brothers had to go on a hunt which is a 2 day drive from metuchen, new jersey, they decided to drive you to school you just have to walk after school. It was January so you missed about half of the school year, you just have to catch up but that will not be hard since you are as smart as Sam, but he is smarter by you just by a bit. You were sitting at the back in the Chevy Impala while Dean was in the driver's seat and Sam in the passengers. Once Dean parked "Baby" at the front of the school, he turned to face you with a serious expression. "Ok y/n here are the rules one dont not tell anyone about the supernatural, two do not bring out your angel blade, three have a good day, and don't get into any fights unless you are standing up for yourself". While rolling your eyes and smiling, Dean I get it this isn't my first day of school I have been to". Dean just sighed and noded. " I know just be careful, ok" . you nodded, " but if you need me just call me. ok". When you got out of the the car you waved to your brother to leave and  that you  listen to your brother's rules. Once you got into the school you realised you have to find where the office is because the school decided to put the office somewhere other than the front of the school. After what feels like an hour, in reality it was in fact 10 minutes of wondering around the school. Surprisingly no one was around so you You decided to sit on the ground with your back against the lockers. After a few minutes of waiting you heard voices come towards your way. Since you are to lazy from the last hunt you did, you just decided not to get up and wait for them to come closer. Once the two people got closer you looked up and saw that one had long black hair and puppy dog brown eyes, the other one had blondish red hair with strikingly blue eyes that seems as if he can see through your soul. The guy with brown hair whispered to the guy with blonde then left, probably going to class our ditching school. The blonde guy guy looked at you with a quizzical look, then smiled kindly at you " hey! I never seen you here before". You smiled and stood up to face him better " ugh, yea I  came here from y/s/n or y/p/n( this means province, i am from Canada so yea) he just smiled and nodded " so why were you sitting on the ground aren't you supposed to be in a class or something". You chuckled nervously " yea i should but i don't know where the office, plus i don't have a schedule". " well you're in luck because i am will like to escort you to the office". After an awkward silence he spoke up " I almost forgot to introduce myself names Jon Bongiovi". " Oh names y/n winchester. The biggest help was the you had the same classes as Jon so it was easier for him and yourself to figure out where your classes are.

Tico- childhood friend.

"But mom, I don't want to go" you whined. Your mom is going to meet up with a old friend and she has a boy who is the same age as you ( that sounds weird). Your mother knelled down to look at you (let's say you are 5) " I know y/n but mommy has never seen my friend since college, plus I couldn't find a babysitter, do you understand". You nodded, " ok mommy I understand". (time Skippy do yea because I am getting lazy)

 After a half an hour drive you pulled out to a park. You got out of the car you and your mom walked around for about five minutes, until you saw a same aged women as your mom and a boy holding her hand which looked like a the same age as yourself. you were looking at the boy who has jet black hair and brown eyes, until you felt a small push. You heard a small voice " h-hi names Hector Torres". You smiled kindly at him "oh my name is y//f/n (your full name)."

David- running late from work

You rolled out over to face your alarm clock, your eyes widen alarm you are supposed to be at work in 10 minutes. " ah son of a motherless goat i am going to be late for work". Today is going to be your first day as a makeup/costume artist for a popular band called something with Aero in the name, you don't remember the rest of the name at the moment. You combed your hair, got dressed, and grabbed your purse and papers before running out the door. Since your car is being fixed  you have to catch the bus. While running down the sidewalk with your annoying highheels, your hair was in your face so with that you can't hardly see a thing. Since you can't see anything you ran right into of what you thought was a brick wall. You pushed your hair away from your face, your eyes landed on a guy who was maybe in his early twenties his hair was blondish brown which was below his shoulders, and he has blue eye, (i think he has blue eyes). Your eyes widen when you realised you ran into a very hot guy, and all of your stuff was no where on the sidewalk. When you turned to look back at the unknown guy, he had his hand out for you and in his other hand was all of papers and your purse. You grabbed his hand which in return he pulled you to your feet, he smiled and gave you your purse and your pile of papers. Hi ,are you ok you look like you're in a rush". " Ugh yea i am ok, thanks", you answered quickly. "Oh i almost forgot to introduce myself, names David Bryan Rashbaum but just call me David", he smiled". " Oh my name is y/n". " Since you were in a hurry do you want me to drive you to your work, y/n". You smiled kindly at him " oh that will be great, are you sure i am not intruding". David smiled and shaked his head in a no, he lead you to a 1976 Monte carlo. " This is your car" you asked. David smiled and nodded then opened the passenger side door, you slide in the seat then he walked to the driver side door and slide in the seat. -time Skippy do - Once he got to the building David walked around the car and opened the door for you , before you left both of you exchanged numbers .

Bon Jovi preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now