When He Gets Jelous

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You and Richie and the rest of the band are at a bar celebeating a new album. You turned the stool to look at Richie " hey I'm going  to get another drink, you want anything". Richie smiled " ok y/n, and I will like another beer". You nodded and walked over to to the bar table ( I don't know what it's called), the baristra came over. He scanned you from head to toe " so what would you like today". "A beer and (favirite alcoholic drink)", you replied. The baristra got your drinks, he leaned closer to your comfort zone and gave you your drinks. You were gone for five minutes and Richie was getting nervous, of why you were taking so long. When he looked up to where you are, he saw that the barista  is getting to close to you to his comfort. Richie got up from seat and walked over to you. Once he got over to you he wrapped his arms around you. You looked at the barista " I suggest that you back away from my girlfriend". The barista stepped back and his hands in a  surrendering motion, " Oh ok sorry man". You and Richie walked back to table you looked up at Richie " your jelous". Richie looked down at you and rolled his eyes.


You and Jon are watching James bond the spy who loved me ( sorry if you dont like James Bond I couldn't think of anything). I always imagine that I could be a companion with james Bond. All of Jon attention turned to face you, " what to do you see in James Bond". His brown hair, blueish eyes, his mysterious  personality, his charm.( I am just guessing his eye colour). You turned to look at Jon " wait a minute, are you jelous of a movie character?". Jon turned away from you," n-no why would I be Jelous of a movie character". You sighed and turned his head with your hand and stared at him lovingly and softly kissed him when you pulled away, " Jon you are mine and mine alone. Jon smiled at you with his sea blue eyes. " that's good to hear.


You the Tico and the rest of the band got back from a European tour. Tico persuaded their manager that you could come, after a lot of Arguing  Irving azoff ( their manager) finally agreed. You and the rest of the guys were sitting in a limousine you are sitting in between Tico and Richie, Irving is seating across Tico, David across from you, and Jon across Richie so they  can all talk to each other easily. Since it was 2 in the morning  you started to doze off. You eyes closed but you didn't relise after 5 minutes of you sleeping, your head lean up against Richie. Richie looked down from his random conversion with Jon, from the sudden weight. What Richie didn't know was that Tico is slightly glaring at Richie. Richie placed his arms around you, what he thought wouldn't be less awkward for him. Jon looked at why Richie stopped the conversation between them, Jon is trying to hold his laughter with a smirk. Tico got annoyed and yanked you gently so you don't wake up, by little movement your head went on Tico's shoulder. He then whispered " back off she's mine". You still don't know till this very day why Tico glares at Richie for an solid month.


Bon Jovi decided to do a song with Joe Perry and Steven Tyler  at one of their concerts. You were making sure their costumes (idk) were all ready for  their appearance on stage. You were sitting in between Steven and Joe, you were reading  ( favorite book). And Steven decided to irrate David, to see how he would react with certain things. After 5 minutes of waiting for your boyfriend and his members, they finally appeared. When Steven  saw David coming over to the couch across from them, he thought " time to play ball" . He decided to start of slow. Once David was about to sit down, Steven decide to move closer to you. You didn't notice but David noticed, but thought nothing of it. After steven did around 3 different actions that you didn't notice , but David was getting more and more irrated by those small actions. The last actions steven did was to put his arm around your shoulders, David got fed up with him with this. David stood up from.his spot on the couch, he walked in front of you and pick you up. When you were lifted up you looked up " David what are you doing"? Once David got back to his spot on the couch he sat down then, placed you on his lap. You looked up at David confused and David locked his arms around you and glarred at Steven and said, " she's mine not your's". You just smirked at the scene, completely amused.

(I am finally officially on summer vacation)

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