Bite Me Once: Chapter 1

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Hey everyone!

Well first I would like to say that this novel I wrote when I was thirteen years old, and I am pretty much only posting it because my best buddy told me I should.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to the person who helped me with a title for the book. Please go check out TessRebellious's book. Thanks to her this novel now has a better title than the one I created at thirteen.

Anyways, Hope you all enjoy!

P.S. The capital C in the title means that the chapter has been CORRECTED (MOSTLY).

I would also like to thank every person who offered a title for the book! THANK YOU!



I was sixteen when it happened. My mother and I were coming home late from the store one night when we had seen a young looking man on the sidewalk. He had his thumb up in our direction asking for a ride. My mother being the nice person that she was decided to stop and pick him up. As for me though I felt that things seemed a bit odd about the man. For one and though this isn't exactly a good excuse, but the man was incredibly handsome. He had short black hair and was wearing a tight black shirt that stuck to his abs like glue. There was also the fact that usually we would see no one that looked like him in New Orleans. What I mean is he looked like he came directly out of some magazine, all perfection and no actual imperfections except for mabye his nose which looked as if it had been broken once before. Still he seemed as if he didn't belong here. The second reason I questioned the young man were his eyes. He had eyes like steel, a silver looking color that seemed as if he knew more then any person would know. He looked to be at most twenty, but looking in his eyes it seemed like he was at least ninety-eight.

Slowly I looked the man over more, and after checking out what clothes he had on I looked back up to his face. Before I had only looked at his eyes, but now I just see everything. He was indeed handsome even in his facial features, and his hair even though it seemed to be in a bit of a mess it actually fit this strange man.

Stopping next to the sidewalk my mother waited for the young man to get into the back of our car. He climbed into the car as if he belonged there before closing the side door.

"Where do you need to go?" My mother asked in her sweet loving voice. I on the other hand just glared at him through the side mirror just outside my window. I already didn't like this man, even if my mother couldn't see it.

"It's only down the road a little bit. The place looks rather like a barn, but I have been renting it from a nice family." The man whispers looking back at me through the side mirror causing me to shiver. It is almost as if he knows what I am feeling and how I despise him for being in our car.

"Alright. Well just sit back and we will be there shortly." My mother smiles looking at the road. Sadly though she couldn't see the smile on his face, and not just any smile but rather one that screamed danger. A smile that said we would be in trouble, and if we didn't get out soon we would probably regret it for the rest of our life. That is if we even lived.

Not even ten minutes later we arrived at the mans destination, "please come inside." He had said staring at my mother and I. His eyes flicker to a gold color before going back to their normal silver color, and I can see my mother is fascinated with him. "I must repay you for your kindness." He then adds and my mother just started to follow him willingly to his house. It is almost as if she has no thoughts of her own anymore and instead is just some sort of zombie, but whatever it was I knew this man was involved, and I know that unknowingly it would cause so much pain.

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