Chapter 1 (C)

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Chapter 1

(28 years later)

When I woke up twelve years later I barely remembered anything, but the voice in my head telling me that I couldn't kill the man who did this to me. I also remembered my mother. Her beautiful smile, and the scowl on her face when she was angry with me. Of course I remember that scowl most because it was the last expression I had seen on my mother before all was lost. I also remembered the house, of course I still live there too. It's not much of a barn anymore though, and instead I have fixed it up adding more off side rooms and decorating each room in vibrant colors. I also added a nice porch with big white columns which went to the upper floor I had added, and bright blue and white fences along the edge of the porch. The dark shade of blues, and blacks that were in this house before just reminded me to much of what I tried so hard to forget.

There was also one other thing I remembered about that night. That feeling that he was holding something back, or that he was afraid of something. It was like he knew something about me that stopped him from killing me, but not from leaving me on my own. I did still want to kill him for what he had done, and I suppose that would always be in my mind and even with that females voice in my head I knew I would end up doing something against the man. The man whose name I still did not know.

As for my human life before becoming a vampire, I do remember my brother and my father but due to the fact that it is dangerous seeing them I have never actually seek them out. I did however keep every little news paper clipping about my family. Those hang on the wall just beside my bed and each one says something new. First there was the news of what happened to my mother and I. In the newspaper they believed that my mother had been having an affair and that I knew about it. They believed that we had taken off with this said man and fled the country. Second, there was the news of my brothers engagement. In this newspaper clipping my brother was to get married to a beautiful woman named Jade. I didn't know much about her, but I knew that she and my brother grew up together in school and were high school sweet hearts. Following these newspaper clips there were only a few others. My brother had his first child a year after marriage. His name was Jack and he was a bundle of joy. They had their second son when Jack was three years old. His name was Sam, and though Sam was much smaller than Jack was at birth I knew he would grow up tall. When Sam had turned five years old I found that they had one other child. This child was named Abby and she was a little girl. Abby was on life support since birth, and many believed that she would die days after her birth, but that did not happen. Instead Abby grew stronger each day, and by the time she was a month old she was off oxygen.

Months later though I found news of my fathers death. No one knew fully how my father had died, but some believed that it had something to do with my mother. They blamed her for his death even when she had died years earlier. At that moment I wanted so badly to come forward and say that my mother had done nothing to my father, but doing so would cause great chaos, so instead I just allowed people to say anything they wanted to say about my mother.

Now there is the fact about what happened twenty-eight years ago. I was sixteen, and I will always be sixteen. This never actually bothered me, but the small things that did where that I could never have a child of my own. I couldn't watch as my brother grew up and got married, I couldn't be there for his children's birth. I couldn't even show up to my own fathers funeral. As for my mother, her body had never been found which says the man who did this took her body with him when he left. I could love no one, and no one could love me either, and I refused to turn anyone into a vampire for my own selfish reasons to feel as if I belonged. I didn't want to give any person the same life that I was living now. A fate with no family, or happiness. Where there would be no aging, and instead always running, so instead I loved on my own and as far from human life as possible except for when I had to feed, but even then I went to blood banks most of the time.

When I had woken up twenty-eight years ago though I had to change my hair color so people wouldn't be suspicious, as well as control my hunger and not let it get to me. Mainly I had to do all of this when I was around humans. Again when I did have to feed I would feed on the blood at a blood bank. I didn't feed as much as most would think I would have too and instead was able to live like a normal person would. I would go to church on Sunday, and go shopping every month. And before you ask, yes I could still eat normal food, but anymore it tasted bland and like cardboard. Still, it was a way to keep those around me from wondering.

In the morning I would be the woman who went out for a jog in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I would be the loving neighbour who visited when things were tough, or just to say hello. It of course kept everyone around me clueless as to who and what I really was. As for now, twenty-eight years later I still pretend. I am the neighbours daughter at the moment who is only twenty-one years old. I am watching the house until my mother comes back from vacation. People around me seem to buy that excuse, and I just live on as if nothing is wrong.

~~~ Victor

Its been twenty-eight years since I last been in the small town of Portland. Everything still looks the same, but the people mostly. I remember a lot of them since they were little kids, but none of them remember me.

"Hey Victor." Bill says as I pass his restaurant. The restaurant was a pretty small place and might not have looked like much to a person walking by, but it did mean everything to Bill, besides his wife and kids that is. This restaurant was just at the corner of Willings, the old street I used to live in. The same place that held my house, and the young girl who I turned into a vampire. This very girl never did get that chance to live the life that she would have wanted to live with her family.

"Hey Bill." I answer back nicely with a wave. Bill is about six foot talk with short black hair and dark brown eyes. He is charming, nice, and handsome and pretty much a girl that any girl would love to be with. Bill though never went after those girls, and instead went for Emily, his high school sweetheart since the ninth grade. He loved her then, and he loves her now. "What have you been up to? How is Emily?"

"Haven't really been up to anything lately, business has been slow. Also Emily has been great thank you." He says with a smile, "How have you been?"

"Just going for a morning walk, you know me." I say with a laugh. I knew it was a lie, but Bill really didn't know anything about me. He just knew what I wanted to tell him. Its not exactly the worst of secrets, but still a secret none the less, and I was hoping to keep it that way too, forever if I could help it.

"Yeah, I do." Bill says with a laugh agreeing with me. Bill is a pretty good friend of mind, but you never can trust people, not from where I come from anyways. When I had first been turned into a vampire I was told to trust no one, because at any given moment the one person you thought you could trust the most could turn their back on you. It has happened before, and it could always happen again. There was also the fact that I had personal experience. In my beginning years I had not listened to that voice in my head telling me to be careful, and instead I had trusted a few people and though I never told them my biggest secret, they still turned on me. "Well I should let you go then. I have a lot of work to do here." Bill then adds after a few seconds of silence. He doesn't even give me time to say anything before he turns back to his work.

I continue walking down the road trying to ignore the memory tugging at my head. I don't want to look up at the house I am passing because I know just what house it is. I don't want to have to remember the young girl in the front seat of her mothers car, and how she tried so hard to get her mother away. The worst I didn't want to remember the night I had turned her seeing everything that would follow just through that one moment. "See you Bill." I eventually said over my shoulder still walking down the road.

 It was then that I noticed her on the other side of the street in her beautiful light blue and purple sun dress. She looked like a young woman, like she would have looked if it weren't for me, and I realized that when I had left all those years ago saying I didn't care if she had lived or died I was lying. I did care about all of that. I wanted so much more for her, and I know she deserved so much more too. I just couldn't do anything to fix it for her. Along with the dress she was wearing I couldn't help but think that she was at least twenty-one years old instead of the sixteen year old girl she truly would be forever, and I also could not deny just how beautiful she truly was.

And that is when she looked directly at me.

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